Lindsay will wed ‘by end of year’

IT’S been the worst kept secret in showbiz for months but Sam Ronson thrilled a few lucky people by announcing her engagement in one of Hollywood’s most exclusive boltholes.

The loved-up brunette, 31, took everyone’s breath away by using her DJ slot at the Chateau Marmont to detail her plans to marry 22-year-old Lindsay Lohan.

Your very own Goss had snuck alongside the institution’s parlour singer Raymond as he got set to perform a version of the Beatles’ All My Loving designed especially for Li-Lo.

And then Sam herself made her stunning announcement.

She said: “By the end of this year, my love will be Mrs Ronson.”

And the record spinner added: “Tonight shows the power of a woman – to underestimate that is to underestimate the world.”

Raymond, who is the Sunset Boulevard hotel’s jewel in the crown, said: “They are the most in love Hollywood couple I’ve ever seen.

“Every Friday night they come in here and do cheesy dancing. MC Hammer is their favourite.”

And here’s us thinking they both had style…


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