Britney admits her father saved her life

Now that she’s put her dark days behind her, Britney Spears feels better than she has in years and she says she owes it all to one person: her dad.

In an interview with the Daily Star, the singer praised her conservator-father Jamie for his efforts and self-sacrifice.

“My father saved my life,” Britney explained. “I probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.”

The pop star confessed she hasn’t always been the perfect daughter, but said her dad “basically gave up his job and his life to look after me at a time when I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go on living.”

Though she initially resisted Jamie’s court-ordered control, Britney admits it’s the very thing that saved her.

“I owe him my life,” she told the paper.

The pop princess has finally cleared out her closet of hangers on, spongers and bad celebrity influences.

Gone are late nights out with no knickers, bashing cars with umbrellas and romps with mystery men in swimming pools.

The 26-year-old has also ditched the booze and partying and swapped them for a counsellor and a personal trainer as she plans her big music comeback.

And it’s all down to her dad Jamie, 56.

Brit tells us: “My father saved my life. I probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. I’ve not always been a good daughter, but he basically gave up his job and his life to look after me at a time when I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go on living. I owe him my life.”

Jamie has devised a plan to get his daughter back on track after her 18 months of hell. He has brought in a personal trainer, a chef, a lifestyle coach, self-help books and a booze counsellor.

Jamie, who is divorced from Britney’s mum Lynne, 53, is her court-appointed carer until the end of the year and makes all the major decisions in her life.

He has overcome his own battle with the booze and has drawn up a list of ground rules, which he calls the “12 steps to recovery”, and they are firmly stuck to Brit’s fridge door in her Malibu mansion.

They include removing all drink from her home, staying in more and reining in her spending. He also makes sure she is in bed by midnight and has called in a bank of staff to help him, including a cook, personal trainer and a bodyguard.

It seems to be working as Britney is looking in the best shape she’s been in for years.

And with a rumoured appearance at tomorrow night’s MTV Video Music Awards in LA, it could be just what she needs to remind us why we first fell in love with her nine years ago.


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