Liverpool Police Struggle to Control Justin Bieber Crowd – Video

It’s the place where Beatlemania started so it’s only fitting that thirty years later it has to deal with Biebermania.

Where are we talking about? Liverpool England!

Justin Bieber is currently trapped in his hotel room, while thousands of screaming fans outside threaten to cause a problem, and Police have warned Bieber and his team that it could turn in to a "possible riot situation" and have even threatened to arrest him.

Large crowds of Bieber fans started to swarm around the hotel where the Biebs is staying and Police had to direct traffic away from the hotel and group the large crowds into public areas to clear the area for traffic.

Police originally threatened to arrest Bieber if we went out on the balcony because they feared a riot, but when the crowds would not leave Police decided the pop star should reveal himself to his fans.

Police finally asked Bieber to appear on the balcony and wave to his fans in hopes the crowds would disperse. But the plan backfired. After Justin appeared, thousands of fans rushed the building causing a scene from 1960’s Beatle mania and had to be held back by police.

According to sources, Justin, who's staying in a $1,200 a night room, was supposed to take a historic "Beatles" tour around Liverpool today ... but because of all the chaos, he had to cancel his plans.

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