Charlie Sheen Porn Star Friend Kacey Jordan Tries To Commit Suicide

Porn star, and friend of Charlie Sheen, Kacey Jordon, tried to kill herself last night at the Peninsula Hotel in Chicago.

Chicago police responded after Jordon used Twitter to post several suicidal messages. One message said she had overdosed on pills and was just waiting to die.

Police reported that Kacey also had cuts on her arms and wrists and tried to cut herself again with a corkscrew in front of the cops.

After restraining her, she was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and evaluation. No word on her condition has been released.

Last January, Jordon partied with Charlie in what has become a legendary 36 hour cocaine binge that landed Sheen in the hospital. Jordan was paid $30,000 by Sheen.

She told one newspaper that Charlie was smoking baseball sized chunks of cocaine and when it ran out, he had a briefcase full delivered to the house.

“A guy eventually shows up and he opens his bag and dumps open a - I would say - about a tennis ball size, of cocaine on the table. It was all over the back of the counter, Charlie was chiseling it off, putting it in his pipe, hitting it every two to five minutes.”

Neither Sheen nor Jordan’s reps have released any kind of official statement, and the cops reported the incident as a non-criminal suicide attempt.

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