Homer Simpson’s Nuclear Power Plant Job in Jeopardy After Japan Disaster – D’oh

In a real world example of life imitating art, Homer Simpson has got himself into a little hot water these days – as in nuclear hot water.

It seems that Germany, Switzerland and Austria are none too thrilled with Homers clumsy and potentially dangerous antics in his day job at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

The countries have joined together to review and pull several episodes of “The Simpsons” that show Homer causing problems at work in a nuclear power plant.

The series has a long history of showing “green glowing blobs” as a result of Homer’s inept work ethic.

In fact, the opening sequence shows Homer dropping a glowing piece of radioactive fuel rod, and one episode shows Homer and two of his friends playing “Toxic Barrel Rolling”.

The worst offender is an episode that shows Homer getting shot by Ned Flanders while in the nuclear control room and falling on the “Destroy Core” button causing a nuclear explosion that destroys Springfield.

And what about the episode showing a singing and dancing radioactive Mr. Burns?

Germany says it is screening every episode to make sure there are no bad references to nuclear health and safety shown on the air.

So far two episodes have already been pulled: Episode 66, “Marge Gets a Job”, featuring scientists Marie and Pierre Curie dying of radiation poisoning; and Episode 346, “On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister”, where jokes about a nuclear meltdown are made.

Executive producer Al Jean says that Homer will be keeping his job at the nuclear plant, and added;

"We have 480 episodes, and if there are a few that they don’t want to air in light of the terrible thing going on in Japan, I completely understand that.”

But where do you draw the line? Maybe countries should screen each episode looking for examples of bullying, irresponsible drinking, adultery, racial intolerance, and other socially unacceptable acts.

And why stop with the Simpsons? What about Jersey Shore, Two and a Half Men, and other wonderful programming?

No, we suggest you see it as it is – comedy, parody, and art. If you make too much of a stink then the government will feel compelled to get involved and then we’re all screwed. All that will be left will be reruns of I Love Lucy and The Lawrence Welk Show.

My take:

At the end of the day I think adults, and most children, know the difference between a real world disaster and a cartoon parody. If you have any doubt, then you should spend less time letting television mold your kids mind - and more time doing it yourself.

Enough said.

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