Chris Brown Has Violent Outburst On GMA – Smashes Window

Chris Brown exploded in a violent outburst on this morning’s Good Morning America. The singer was there to promote his new album F.A.M.E. and perform two songs.

But instead of taking questions about the new album, Brown was repeatedly asked about his legal woes and his women beating Rihanna problems.

Brown tried to redirect the questions, and was visually upset when host Robin Roberts continued to ask about the Rihanna incident.

After performing a song from the album he ran backstage and became so load and violent that security was called.

Brown was so enraged that he tore off his shirt and smashed out a plate glass window that overlooks Broadway and glass fell to the street. By the time security got there Brown had already ran from the building – failing to perform his second song.

Outside he got into it with a producer and had to be separated by people watching.

Brown later took to Twitter saying:

"I'm so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t."

That tweet was quickly removed and replaced with:

"All my fans!!! This album is for you and only you!!! I'm so tired of everyone else!! Honestly!! I love team breezy!!"

Looks like this guy has some serious anger problems. If he is cited for breaking the window he could go to jail because he is still on probation from beating up Rihanna.

Oh Hollywood, you make things so interesting.

Enjoy that F.A.M.E. Mr. Brown. Maybe a feature song with Kanye West is in order now?

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