American Idol Casey Abrams Saved – Results Shock Viewers - Video

Last night was one of the most bizarre American Idol results shows I have ever seen. In fact, it was so strange that it almost made me think it was actually all scripted.

Casey Abrams, the hard rocking grunge singer was voted off over 22 year old Stefano Langone.

But as he began to sing his swan song, the Randy Jackson stopped him after only a few bars and told the audience the judges had an announcement.

Within the 10 seconds that Abrams had been singing for his life, Steven Tyler announced they had decided to use their once in a season “save” to keep Abrams in the competition.

The resulting video seems all just a little too scripted for my taste, but it did make for some great television.

Casey’s first reaction was to go into a fit that almost looked like he was either having a heart attack or was getting ready to throw up. In fact, when I first watched it I thought for sure they were going to have to cut away so he could puke.

The video below shows it all and speaks for itself.

He then walked down to the judges table and extended his hand to Jennifer Lopez and it was shaking so bad I thought they were going to have to call 911.

Was it real? Is Casey Abrams health really that fragile?

Well, last week he was rushed to the hospital with severe abdominal pains and was almost eliminated from the competition. At the last minute he was released and able to make that nights show.

Hmmm, all seems just a little too dramatic.

Anyway, Abrams was saved and Ryan Seacrest announced that because of the save there would be eleven singers on this summer’s American Idol Summer Tour – including Abrams.

But he also announced that two contestants will go home next week. My guess is will be country crooner Scotty McCreery and African dancer Naima Adedapo.

I also think America is going to quickly tire of Rod Stewart’s younger clone Paul McDonald.

I will say that this year’s show is a vast improvement over last season and I don’t miss Simon Cowell at all.

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