Video - Rep Anthony Weiner Resigns

Rep Anthony Weiner has been under enormous pressure this week as pundits called for his resignation.

And today he finally pulled the trigger and resigned.

President Obama said earlier in the week that Weiner had embarrassed himself and should step down.

The media has been insisting he quit his job.

There was even pressure from inside his own party urging him to quit after his twitter sex scandal and subsequent semi-nude photos from the Congressional gym and locker room appeared.

Related: Busted – More Weiner Photos Emerge

After announcing he was seeking treatment – for what we’re not sure, and waiting for his wife to return from an overseas trip with boss Hilary Clinton, the pressure became insurmountable.

Today, Anthony Weiner resigned. He quit his job.

Weiner held a press conference in Brooklyn New York to discuss the issue, and is now the third member of the U.S. Congress this year to step down because of a sex scandal. 

He reached his decision to resign after speaking with his wife, Huma Abedin, 35, and informed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last night of his decision.

Saying he had become a distraction to his party, and citing the need for personal time to mend the broken relationship with his pregnant wife, he is leaving office immediately.

But did he really quit or was he fired?

If Weiner would not have left his post, the ensuing ethics hearings, legal wrangling, press coverage, emails, and personal attacks would have led to him being fired indirectly through an impeachment type scenario.

And then there were the cross dressing photos of him wearing a bra and women's lingerie - that probably didn't help.

He really had no choice.

Twitter has claimed its first political casualty.

See Also:
> Weiner’s dick holds press conference – Video
> Bill Maher and Jane Lynch read Weiner Emails – Video
> Weiner admits – “It was mine and I did it” - Video

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