Photos - Lady Gaga Fan Tattoos – You Know You’re a Fan When...

You know you have really hit the big time when your fans start emulating your hairstyle or fashion chic.

But when fans start to get tattoos all over their body with your mug - then you know you have penetrated popular culture.

And so it is with Lady Gaga fans.

Gaga, and her band of Lil Monsters, have found the most permanent way on earth to show their devotion for the “Born This Way” singer.

Fans all around the World are getting Gaga tattoos and aren’t afraid to show them off.

Some are small, and some are big, but they all scream Lady Gaga!

Below is InfoStar’s pick of the best ever.

Kind of scary huh?

We would love to follow up with some of these devoted fans in about 25 years and ask them if they still feel like they made a wise decision, or if it was a “Bad Romance”.

You know what they say – art imitates life right?

See Also:
> More Lady Gaga Posts and Videos

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