Black Keys Drummer Pounded By Lady Gaga Fans Over Madonna References

Looks like you don’t want to anger Lady Gaga’s Little Monsters.

In light of the fact that Gaga seems to me morphing more and more into Madonna, her fans have started to take revenge.

Several months ago, Gaga took some heat after she released her single “Born This Way” after it appeared to some that it was a knock off of Madonna’s “Express Yourself.”

Related: Video - Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ and Madonna’s ‘Express Yourself’ Comparison – Plagiarism?

Even after vigorously denying any connection to Madonna’s image and style, Ms. Gaga has continued to take heat for the similarities.

Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney took to twitter to ‘express himself’ on the subject, and has repeatedly referred to Gaga as “Madonna” in his tweets.

Carney said last June after the Grammy Awards program,

"I still can't get over Madonna’s performance at the Grammy’s this year! She was born that way!"

And last month he tweeted during Gaga’s gig on SNL saying,

"Madonna is killing it!"

Well, needless to say, her “Little Monsters” have not taken all this criticism of their star lying down.

Since last June, Carney’s twitter timeline has been slammed with obscene and threatening comments about his feelings towards our Lady.

Patrick is not letting all the fuss bother him, and has been re-tweeting many of the nasty comments, and letting Gaga know her fans seem to be “Bullying” him.

This is a direct swipe against Gaga as she is a big supporter of anti-gay and anti-bullying groups.

And to add insult to injury, Gaga's album sales of "Born This Way" are down 85% in its second week - not good.

Hollywood and stardom can be a cruel mistress!

Just ask Anthony Weiner!

See Also:
Lady Gaga takes big fall on stage - video
11-year-old kills Lady Gaga’s Born This Way – Video
Gaga has meltdown over Madonna plagiarism claims

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