Justin Bieber and Jimmy Fallon Team Up For Hilarious Commercial Parody - Video

Last night, Justin Bieber stopped by NBC’s 30 Rock to visit Jimmy Fallon and talk about his new women’s perfume “Someday”.

Well, it wasn’t as much talk as it was funny SNL type commercial parody.

Jimmy and the Biebs did a parody commercial for “Someday” where Bieber says; someday… we’ll be together… Someday I’ll fall in love… Someday I’ll be older…

And someday, I’ll be fat and look like this.

That’s when Fallon appears in his “Bieber” costume.

The skit was shot in black and white and shows Bieber looking at Fallon and wondering how he got to looking that bad.

It is hilarious.

Watch Justin Bieber on the Jimmy Fallon Show

Justin has been doing up New York this week with appearances on the David Letterman Show reading the Top Ten List, and visiting the ladies at The View for a little Segway racing.

He also visited Macys on Harold Square where he was attacked and knocked to the ground by a confused off duty police officer.

Have you tried “Someday”? Will you?

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