Video - Greyson Chance Releases New Music Video For “‘Unfriend You”

Life is pretty good for 13-year-old Greyson Chance these days.

After being discovered on YouTube after singing Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi” at a school function, his singing career has taken off and he is starting to crank out the hits.

After signing a record deal with Ellen DeGeneres’s ElevenEleven label, she is helping to produce his first full length album "Hold On 'Til The Night" due out later this year.

Related: Greyson Chance Releases New Album Cover

Greyson’s first hit was “Waiting Outside The Lines” and it gave us a little insight as to what style the young singer was going to unveil to the World.

Today he released his latest music video for “Unfriend You”, and our first impression was it was more than just another pop rock kind of song.

It is really good!

Do I dare say this – it sounded a lot like something Lady Gaga would sing and it fit is style perfectly.

Watch Greyson Chance “Unfriend You” Music Video

Time will tell how his fans react, but we’re sure his young teen girl fans will love it.

And if "Unfriend You" is any indication of the type and style of music we can expect from Greyson Chance down the road - then this kid is going to be a star.

Move over Justin Bieber - there may be a new kid on the block.

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Video – UFO’s Seen Over London During The Day By Multiple People

Strange things are happening in the skies over London these days.

In the video below, multiple people can be seen walking the streets of London minding their own business when out of nowhere several UFO’s appear.

If you watch closely, one seems to be a circular object that could easily pass as a weather balloon.

But watch the smaller objects moving around it and it defies logic.

At one point, one of the smaller objects changes directions so abruptly that it is clear it can’t be an aircraft.

The change in direction and sudden increase in speed is eerie and makes you wonder if any military could devise such a device – much less keep it secret.

<a href='{from}&vid=b6c88737-79a8-475b-9e88-b242469b4840' target='_new' title='UFO Hovers Above BBC Building In London' >Video: UFO Hovers Above BBC Building In London</a>

The objects were spotted above the BBC Building and Tower Bridge and happened last week.

No official statement has been released by any official representative and the incident remains a mystery as of now.

Do you think they’re real or just another UFO conspiracy?

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Aaron Carter: “Michael Jackson and I Drank Wine and Did Cocaine When I Was only 15”

On the two year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, shocking new revelations have surfaced regarding his behavior around young boys.

It all unfolded in an interview with Ok! Magazine and now 23-year-old Aaron Carter – the younger brother of “Backstreet Boys” Nick Carter.

Aaron told interviewer Daphne Barak,

"I never talked about it, this is the first time. I do miss Michael - I have spent such incredible times with him. I did things with him that nobody else did but I was also troubled about what he did to me."

Aaron went on to tell of some of their most intimate moments, and about the times Michael gave him drugs and alcohol saying,

"I never talked about it… This is the first time. I do… I miss Michael… I have spent such incredible times with him. I did things with him that nobody else did… But I was also troubled about what he did to me."

While only 15-years-old, Aaron talks about spending hours and hours on the phone with Jackson saying they talked about everything you could imagine.

Michael and Aaron would spend several days at a time at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch working in the studio making music, and then watching movies for hours inside the main house.

"Yes, he gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15. And he gave me cocaine. I felt weird about that and other stuff. I admired Michael, but his behavior bothered me a lot. Then my mother called the police…"

Are you kidding me?

Aaron Carter at 15
While the entire article is only available in the news stand version of the magazine, it seems that this teaser info given on their web site is a bomb shell.

While no time table is discussed, if Aaron’s Mother contacted police about Michael giving her 15-year-old son drugs and alcohol perhaps they were one of the “mystery” accusers that never appeared in public during Jackson’s child molestation case in 2005.

Aaron would have been 16-years-old at the time of the trial.

Perhaps Aaron will be just another young celebrity, like Macaulay Culkin, who will go to their grave without sharing what really happened behind closed doors.

Since Jackson’s death in 2009, we may never truly understand the bizarre world he lived in or the strange activities that took place at Neverland.

For Aaron’s part, we know that since his teen years he has dated and been connected to actresses Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes and Adrianne Curry.

He was also briefly engaged to Playboy model Kari Ann Peniche in 2006 but called it off shortly after the announcement saying he had acted prematurely.

Aaron’s last public appearance with Michael Jackson was after the 9/11 attacks when he worked on Jackson’s charity tune “What More Can I Give?”

Unfortunately, Sony Music refused to release the song and the project never moved forward.

However, always one to be skeptic, we can’t help but disclose that Aaron has a new album coming out this year – his first since 2002.

We would hate to think this “leak” of information could in anyway be connected to drumming up hype for a career that stalled out almost ten years ago….

But then again, anything is possible out of Hollywood.

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Video - Stephen Colbert Gets Approval For His Political Super PAC – Plans to Save the World

Look out Barack Obama.

Stephen Colbert has his sights on the biggest prize any man could want in this country – the title of President.

Not really.

We suspect Colbert just wants to ride around the country in a big tricked out bus visiting all his fans and espousing his words of logic and wisdom while spending everybody else’s money.

And today it was made official.

Colbert now has permission from the federal Election Committee (FEC) to set up his very own political Super Pac.

Even though Comedy Central still has some doubts, and pundits say it may lead to a blending of comedy and politics, Colbert thinks his PAC is the best thing ever.

Go get ‘em Mr. Colbert!

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Video - Justin Bieber Debuts Google Chrome Commercial During “The Voice”

Pop super star Justin Bieber partnered with search engine giant Google tonight on “The Voice”.

Bieber was front and center as Google ran a commercial featuring its popular Chrome web browser that featured KidRauhl prominently throughout the entire spot.

Related: What does Kid Rauhl mean to Justin Bieber and his dad?

The spot highlighted Bieber’s fan clubs, photos, videos on YouTube, and more.

And since Google owns YouTube they got a little advertising in for it as well.

We think it was a pretty slick commercial spot and are sure we will see more Chrome spots with other popular artists.

Go KidRauhl!

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Shia LaBeouf – Stop Talking Before You Get Into Trouble – Too Late

Poor Shia LaBeouf.

Sometimes he just doesn’t know when to stop talking.

For years, Hollywood bad boy Shia has had a problem with cops, booze, women, co-stars, gay slurs, moonshine, and directors – and now he has opened up to Details Magazine, and somebody should have stopped him.

His latest flick, “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” is out and the initial response is positive – even as others feel the franchise has become a bit stale and unbelievable.

And once again the young action hero finds himself in hot water after running his mouth.

But let’s start at the beginning.

A few years ago, Shia made news for entering a Walgreens drugstore sloppy drunk at 3:00 in the morning and trying to buy cigarettes. He was arrested.

Next was a car accident that badly mangled his hand and fingers that caused a delay in the filming schedule. The injury was ultimately written into the script so filming could continue.

Then it was a well-publicized incident at a Brite Spot Family Restaurant after a fan wanted to take his picture and he said “no”. It ended with Shia on the sidewalk in handcuffs.

A few weeks ago he told MTV,

"I'm not coming back to do another one. I don't think director Michael Bay will either. It's still a hot property, I think, especially coming out of the third one. So I imagine they'll reboot it at some point with someone else."

After completing the third sequel, “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”, LaBeouf is distancing himself from the popular series.

Next were his comments about his co-star Megan Fox.

LaBeouf dumped on her acting abilities and staying power in a male dominated Hollywood and ruffling a few feathers by saying,

"Megan developed this Spice Girl strength, this woman-empowerment stuff that made her feel awkward about her involvement with Michael. He films women in a way that appeals to a 16-year-old sexuality. It’s summer. It’s Michael’s style. And I think Megan Fox never got comfortable with it. This is a girl who was taken from complete obscurity and placed in a sex-driven role in front of the whole world and told she was the sexiest woman in America. And she had a hard time accepting it.”

Ouch. You would think by these statements the two most definitely DO NOT get along.

But you would be wrong.

When asked by a Details editor about the possibility of him hooking up with Fox he said,

“Look, you’re on the set for six months, with someone who’s rooting to be attracted to you, and you’re rooting to be attracted to them. I never understood the separation of work and life in that situation. But the time I spent with Megan was our own thing, and I think you can see the chemistry onscreen.”

The problem?

At the time Shia was on set filming “Transformers”, Fox was dating Brian Austin Green.

Awkward? You bet.

When asked about the possible conflict of interest Shia responded,

“I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I Don’t know…. It was what it was.”

Running into rough patches with co-starts is not new for the actor.

After a lukewarm reception for his performance in “Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull” with superstar Harrison Ford, Shia admits he was not up to par during filming and also criticized the film in the press.

Harrison Ford remembers it a bit differently saying,

"I think I told him he was a f##king idiot. As an actor, I think it's my obligation to support the film without making a complete ass of myself. Shia is ambitious, attentive, and talented—and he's learning how to deal with a situation which is very unique and difficult."

And he seems to be learning well.

In fact, he has just completed filming his latest movie “The Wettest Country in the World” a crime-drama centered on a family of Depression-era bootleggers in the American South and due in theaters next year.

We also hear there may be another chance for LaBeouf to get it right in a new “Indiana Jones”, and we’re sure there will be a “Wall Street” sequel in a year or two.

This is what we like to see – a Hollywood action hero who acts like one in real life and doesn’t take nothing from nobody.

Go Shia!

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Photos - Lady Gaga Fan Tattoos – You Know You’re a Fan When...

You know you have really hit the big time when your fans start emulating your hairstyle or fashion chic.

But when fans start to get tattoos all over their body with your mug - then you know you have penetrated popular culture.

And so it is with Lady Gaga fans.

Gaga, and her band of Lil Monsters, have found the most permanent way on earth to show their devotion for the “Born This Way” singer.

Fans all around the World are getting Gaga tattoos and aren’t afraid to show them off.

Some are small, and some are big, but they all scream Lady Gaga!

Below is InfoStar’s pick of the best ever.

Kind of scary huh?

We would love to follow up with some of these devoted fans in about 25 years and ask them if they still feel like they made a wise decision, or if it was a “Bad Romance”.

You know what they say – art imitates life right?

See Also:
> More Lady Gaga Posts and Videos

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Jackie Evancho’s Album Sales Top Charts – Singer Talks Next Steps - Video

Young Jackie Evancho is only 11-years old, but she has the top selling Album on Amazon.

This week, her “Dream with Me” album outsold every artist except Adele, selling more albums then Bon Iver, Beyonce, Bruno Mars, Selena Gomez and Lady Gaga.

To be fair, Jackie’s album was just released June 14th and she has had tons of air time on the June PBS fund drive, so time will tell if her staying power is real.

We think it is.

Related: Video - Meet Jackie Evancho, She’ll Melt Your Heart and Make You Cry

All you have to do is hear her sing and you can see she has what it takes to be a strong contender on today’s music scene.

She considers herself a crossover opera singer, and knows she will not get by on just singing opera.

But boy can see sing opera.

Just over a year ago, Evancho was taking second place on America’s Got Talent and today she’s singing duets with Susan Boyle and Barbara Streisand.

One of our favorites is her version of Sarah McLachlan’s hit “Angel” that was released as a single, and as a track on “Dream With Me.”

Related: Watch Jackie Evancho Sing “Angel”

After meeting 17-time Grammy Award winner David Foster, the two worked on creating and producing her current album - and the results have been better than both of them expected.

When asked about the title for her new album Jackie says,

“Well, the last CD that I had done was called 'Prelude to a Dream' and that's the beginning of a dream. Prelude is usually the beginning of a song or beginning of something. With 'Dream With Me,' I've kind of already made it. So, that dream has become real life, so now it's the real thing.”

And her dream has come true, and the first stop was the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota Florida where she filmed her PBS special.

And we have to say, her PBS special was amazing.

But what's in store for the new super star now that her album has been released and the World has discovered her?

Evancho says with all that has happened, she has to attend school on-line and misses her friends she used to see every day,

“Cyber School is really, really hard. And it’s boring, you know? I’d rather do normal school than go to online school.”

When asked if she is able to understand the deep emotion in some of her songs she says,

“All of the songs are emotional to me. 'Angel' is really sad because it’s about suicide. It’s really emotional. It’s really easy for me to show my emotions but it’s hard to listen to because it’s so sad.”

Watch Jackie Evancho Sing “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan

She sure does know how to make your heart melt.

When asked where she wants to go from here, and what her next steps are she says,

“I want to continue with my music but I also want to be a normal kid. This whole thing has happened so fast my parents and I are still just trying to sort it all out. For now, I’m just going to keep singing and see what happens next.”

Jackie says opera is her first love but she also likes the music of Josh Groban and Lady Gaga. She has also started writing and would like to start creating her own songs from start to finish.

Evancho also likes to play with her many pets. In fact, she calls her pet collection her “pet menagerie” and it includes nine hermit crabs, two guinea pigs, three dogs, two cats, a lizard, three frogs and four ducks.

The young opera crossover singer is currently on a mini tour with upcoming shows in Sun Valley Idaho, Atlanta Georgia, Highland Park Illinois, Omaha Nebraska, and Dallas Texas.

Jackie has already appeared on the Jay Leno Show and can be seen on CNN’s Piers Morgan show June 30th.

Go get ‘em kiddo.

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U.S. House Passes Much-Needed Patent Legislation Bill

The USPTO’s chronic backlog problems and painfully slow registration process may soon be remedied. Last week, the House passed a bill that should speed up the patent process by doing two things: 1 – Making the first person to file a patent application the undisputed owner of patent rights, not necessarily the party who invented the idea, and 2 – Allowing all fees collected by the USPTO to be used by the USPTO, instead of being diverted into other agencies.

Previously, if a person could demonstrate in court that he or she was the first person to invent an embodiment of the idea, they owned rights to the patent, even if they hadn’t actually filed a patent application first with the USPTO. This caused heartburn for companies who were being sued by inventors who came out of the woodwork after an application was filed. Although this avenue of litigation was meant to protect the ideas of inventors, and give them appropriate rights, it had the potential to be abused.

As the L.A. Times notes, this is the biggest update to the patent system since 1952. Due to an unusual unified effort by both parties, the bill passed cleanly, with a final vote of 304-117. In March, the Senate passed its version of the bill, with a 95-5 vote.

But not everyone supported the legislation. According to one of the bill’s opponents, Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), “The bill would permit the Patent and Trademark Office to award a patent to the first person who can win a race to the patent office regardless of who is the actual inventor. That is patently unfair to inventors.”

The bottom line for inventors is that they will need to be sure to file a provisional patent application early on in the invention and marketing process, in order to protect their rights.

U.S. House Passes Much-Needed Patent Legislation Bill

The USPTO’s chronic backlog problems and painfully slow registration process may soon be remedied. Last week, the House passed a bill that should speed up the patent process by doing two things: 1 – Making the first person to file a patent application the undisputed owner of patent rights, not necessarily the party who invented the idea, and 2 – Allowing all fees collected by the USPTO to be used by the USPTO, instead of being diverted into other agencies.

Previously, if a person could demonstrate in court that he or she was the first person to invent an embodiment of the idea, they owned rights to the patent, even if they hadn’t actually filed a patent application first with the USPTO. This caused heartburn for companies who were being sued by inventors who came out of the woodwork after an application was filed. Although this avenue of litigation was meant to protect the ideas of inventors, and give them appropriate rights, it had the potential to be abused.

As the L.A. Times notes, this is the biggest update to the patent system since 1952. Due to an unusual unified effort by both parties, the bill passed cleanly, with a final vote of 304-117. In March, the Senate passed its version of the bill, with a 95-5 vote.

But not everyone supported the legislation. According to one of the bill’s opponents, Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), “The bill would permit the Patent and Trademark Office to award a patent to the first person who can win a race to the patent office regardless of who is the actual inventor. That is patently unfair to inventors.”

The bottom line for inventors is that they will need to be sure to file a provisional patent application early on in the invention and marketing process, in order to protect their rights.

Video - Greyson Chance Covers Michael Jackson and Releases New Album Details

Move over Justin Bieber – there’s a new kid on the block.

13-Year-Old Greyson Chance stormed the world after being discovered on YouTube playing Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi” and has quickly turned into a rising star.

Of course the inevitable comparisons to Bieber are to be expected, but Greyson is a lot more “rock” with a little pop, where Bieber is nothing but “pop” and very little rock.

As it turns out, Ellen DeGeneres took young Greyson under her wing and is producing his album and managing his career after creating her “eleveneleven” record company and signing Greyson as her first artist.

Now, after his two hit singles “Waiting Outside The Lines” and “Unfriend You”, he is preparing his first full length album due this August.

As a tease, Chance released the cover art for the highly anticipated album titled “Hold On ‘Til Night”.

Greyson Chance's New Album Cover

Greyson says it’s not just art and there is meaning to it saying,

“The album cover is not just about art – it’s mainly about words. Words mean everything in this world and can both help and hurt people. The words on the piano, and all over the cover, are happy words, positive words. I like to think of my music as a way to convey positive words to the entire world.”

Okay, maybe a little deep coming from the mind of a 13-year-old but we definitely get the idea.

Greyson credits Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson as his two main influences because they have amazing music and are (were) not afraid to be who they wanted to be regardless of who the world felt they should be.

In a tribute to Jackson’s two year anniversary since his tragic death, Chance covered one of his favorite Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5's song “I Wanna Be Where You Are.”

Watch Greyson Cover Michael Jackson

And if Greyson wasn’t busy enough, he is currently traveling around North America with his friend and tour mate Cody Simpson on their “Waiting 4 You” tour.

Greyson also has his own professional web site at and YouTube Channel that already has over 67 million views.

Keep your eye on this kid, he’s going to be a star.

See Also:
> Meet Jackie Evancho – She’ll Melt Your Heart – Video
> Greyson Chance Does Lady Gaga on the Ellen Show

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Video – Meet Jackie Evancho – She Will Melt Your Heart and Make you Cry!

Move over Lady Gaga – there’s a new kid in town.

And we mean move over, as in get out of the way.

If you haven’t heard of Jackie Evancho you will soon.


Because Jackie just released her first feature length CD, “Dream With Me”, and it’s outselling every major artist on the pop music scene today.

Young Ms. Evancho is only 11-years-old and was born is Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. She has several brothers and sisters and says she fell in love with music after seeing “The Phantom of the Opera” on television.

After hearing her sing, her mother, Lisa, entered her into a local talent contest where she came in second place – Jackie was only eight years old.

After narrowly missing out on winning several more talent contests, her parents allowed the ten-year-old prodigy to audition for the television show “America’s Got Talent.”

Jackie seemed to blow away the competition and seemed to be on track to win, but unfortunately came in second place.

Her performances were so flawless that there were accusations that she had lip synced her songs and it was all a scam by producers.

But the cat was out of the bag and America had heard, and seen, what was to become one of the youngest artists to skyrocket to Platinum sales status in over thirty years.

After “America’s Got Talent”, Jackie immediately released her first single “O Holy Night.” This was her first national exposure and won her a spot singing for President Barak Obama in Washington D.C. during the annual Christmas tree lighting.

Watch Jackie Evancho sing O Holy Night in Washington D.C.

The reaction to her “O Holy Night” single was amazing, and immediately shot to the top of the Billboard music charts and became a best seller on Amazon. It was certified as Platinum in 2010.

She also setup her own web site at, and created her own YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

Jackie had hit it big and people wanted more.

After doing the rounds on the daytime and late night talk shows, she was approached by producer David Foster who worked with Jackie in the development of her first full length album “Dream With Me”.

Together, the two fashioned a collection of tracks, one which Jackie wrote herself, that combined both opera and crossover songs like “The Lord’s Prayer”, “When you Wish Upon a Star”, and “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan.

Watch Jackie Evancho and David Foster Interview

Jackie says,

“The title of my new album is ‘Dream With Me’ because it means I’m basically living the dream and there’s more to come.”

Jackie also plays violin and piano and has said she would like to collaborate with Josh Groban, Charlotte Church, and Andrea Bocelli.

Evancho's Sarasota Florida concert is currently being featured on most national PBS stations and showcases some of her best music and features several songs off her new album.

Theses PBS shows are the first time many viewers have seen Jackie and have caused quite an interest in the young singer.

She says she understands that in order to remain popular she has to do more than just sing opera songs, and realizes she will have to be a crossover singer in order to stay relevant.

On “Dream With Me” you will find her favorite opera pieces like “Nella Fantasia”, “Nessun Dorma”, “O Mio Babbino Caro”, and “Ombra Mai Fu”, along with incredible duets like “A Mother’s Prayer” with Susan Boyle and “Somewhere” featuring Barbra Streisand.

Watch Jackie Evancho sing Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” on PBS

Now you see why Jackie is going to be a star.

In fact, InfoStar has not really been able to find a bad review or other critical comment about her anywhere – and that says a lot in the world of the internet.

Composer Tim Janis says,

"Jackie's voice is so pure and natural, there's no flaw in it. People say 'I can hear her potential coming,' but no, it's here, it's now. She is truly an Angel and I can’t wait for the World to hear it and see it."

We agree.

And Jackie says the only thing she does to prepare for a big show is to “Say a prayer that God will be there on the stage with her and that He will sing along with her.”

Wow. Sniffle sniffle. Goose bumps…

So we set out to find the one performance piece that often separates the good from the bad in critical operatic singing – “Ave Marie”.

We figured if Evancho can pull off that tune with its massive complexity, then she really must be a true angel sent from Heaven.

Well - we found it. And it will make you cry.

So ladies and gentlemen, here is Jackie’s version of “Ave Maria” by Schubert accompanied by The Houston Chamber Choir and The Treble Choir of Houston.

Watch Jackie Evancho Sing Schubert’s “Ave Maria”

See. I told you.

I’ll say it again. Move over Lady Gaga - because I would love for my kids to learn, respect and look up to an artist like Jackie.

I know it won’t happen but I can dream can’t I?

If you only buy one CD this year... buy "Dream With Me."

You can sample each song and purchase Jackie’s new CD here at Amazon.

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Protests Disrupt U2 Concert in Glastonbury – Bono on the Defense after Tax Evasion

Bono From the Band U2
Well, it wasn’t exactly billed as Woodstock, but the band U2 ran into its own kind of violent protest last night.

U2, and its front man Bono, have long been known for their environmental and social issues, but Bono has come under intense pressure this last month when it was discovered he had dodged taxes in Ireland.

Fans have been protesting the band since the news came out and feel that if they have to pay their taxes that Bono should too.

And things turned ugly in Glastonbury when upset vigilantes calling themselves “Art Uncut” blew up a 20 foot balloon inscribed with the words "U Pay Your Tax 2."

Police struggled with the group before beating them to the ground and destroying the balloon. About 35 people were involved in the violent clash but it’s unknown how many arrests were made.

U2’s Bono, guitarist The Edge, bassist Adam Clayton, and drummer Larry Mullen are some of the richest individuals in Ireland and have been criticized for not paying their taxes.

One protestor said,

“U2 and its members have more money than all of us put together and should be paying taxes just like everybody else. Ireland is in the middle of its worst economic downturn and we find out these guys are skipping out. It’s just not fair.”

In a flashback to Woodstock, over 150,000 people had descended on a farm in Glastonbury in southwest England for the concert which includes acts by Morrissey, U2, Mumford & Sons, Coldplay, Beyonce and many others.

While being billed as a humanitarian event many of the fans took the opportunity to protest U2’s hypocrisy.

Another protestor said,

“We know the band has done a lot for not only Ireland but the rest of the people in the World. But when they won’t even pay the taxes in their own country it makes you think they have sold out and it’s really all about the money. They have enough mansions, cars, and toys – now they should make things right at home.”

Many of the fans protested in one way or another and there were thousands of people sporting T-shirts or signs that said “U2 – Bring it home. Pay your taxes.”

Watch U2 Live Performance at Glastonbury

Many of the bands supporters became upset in 2006 when U2 moved its corporate headquarters to the Netherlands where taxes on music royalties are very low. This left many Irish fans feeling like they had been abandoned and betrayed by Bono.

Nobody from U2’s team has commented yet on the incident.

And they say money can’t buy happiness.

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Video - 11-Year-Old Jackie Evancho Takes the World by Storm with “Dream With Me”

If you you’ve never heard of Jackie Evancho don’t worry – you will.

This 11-year-old soprano prodigy has taken the word by storm with her first full length album “Dream With Me” and is outselling Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry combined.

Jacqueline Marie "Jackie" Evancho was first seen during season five of “America’s Got Talent” when she was just ten years old, and blew away viewers who couldn’t get enough of her exquisite singing.

In addition to singing, Jackie also plays the piano and violin and even co-wrote the title track on "Dream With Me" with producer David Foster.

Watch Jackie Evancho Interview with David Foster

Jackie was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to Michael and Lisa Evancho and says she became interested in singing after seeing “The Phantom of the Opera”. She has two brothers, one older and one younger, and a younger sister.

Jackie says she was amazed that her debut single “Oh Holy Night” was so well received, and couldn’t believe that it sold over a million copies and has since gone platinum.

Evancho has teamed with the famous David “Hit Maker” Foster to produce her first full length CD titled “Dream With Me”.

On the album, she features the duets “A Mother’s Prayer” with Susan Boyle and “Somewhere” with Barbara Streisand along with her favorites “O Mio Babbino Caro”, "Ombra Mai Fu", "The Lord’s Prayer" and “Dream with Me”.

But the song everybody seems to want to hear is Jackie’s version of Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel”.

Watch Jackie Evancho Sing Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel”

One reviewer says,

“It may well become her signature song – the one everybody wants to hear. She is able to put so much emotion into it and you can tell by watching her perform she absolutely gets lost in the moment. I have rarely seen adults who can perform with such maturity. It made me cry.”


In fact, PBS has been running segments of Jackie’s performance of “Angel” from her show in Sarasota Florida - and PBS only brings out the big guns during their fundraising season.

That should tell you something about this incredible young singer.

Jackie even has her own website at and YouTube channel.

It’s true – we have not been able to find one review that had anything negative to say. This young lady is destined to become one of the greatest talents we have ever seen.

You can purchase her new album on Amazon here.

Forget Lady Gaga, this is the type of music and personality I want my kids to learn to appreciate – but I’m not holding my breath.

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Justin Bieber and Jimmy Fallon Team Up For Hilarious Commercial Parody - Video

Last night, Justin Bieber stopped by NBC’s 30 Rock to visit Jimmy Fallon and talk about his new women’s perfume “Someday”.

Well, it wasn’t as much talk as it was funny SNL type commercial parody.

Jimmy and the Biebs did a parody commercial for “Someday” where Bieber says; someday… we’ll be together… Someday I’ll fall in love… Someday I’ll be older…

And someday, I’ll be fat and look like this.

That’s when Fallon appears in his “Bieber” costume.

The skit was shot in black and white and shows Bieber looking at Fallon and wondering how he got to looking that bad.

It is hilarious.

Watch Justin Bieber on the Jimmy Fallon Show

Justin has been doing up New York this week with appearances on the David Letterman Show reading the Top Ten List, and visiting the ladies at The View for a little Segway racing.

He also visited Macys on Harold Square where he was attacked and knocked to the ground by a confused off duty police officer.

Have you tried “Someday”? Will you?

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Columbo Actor Peter Falk Dead at 83 - Just One More Thing...

I grew up watching Lieutenant Columbo.

I remember getting frustrated at how long it would take him to actually bust the bad guy even though he knew who it was from the very beginning.

With his dirty old raincoat, beat up old car, floppy eared dog, and wife that we never got to meet - Lt. Columbo always knew how to outsmart the crooks.

And here is a little bit of trivia – during the entire Columbo series the viewer was never told what his first name was, and it remains a mystery to this day.

His Shtick was to ask very basic, and sometimes annoying questions, and just as he was walking toward the door to leave he would stop, turn, and say, “Just one more thing…”

And it was always THAT question that got the criminal busted.

But it was entertaining, and little did I know that Peter Falk and Columbo would become an American Icon.

Falk died yesterday at the age of 83 from complications from dementia at his home in Beverly Hills.

Friends say Falk was involved in a bad car accident in 2008 and suffered a bad head injury and was never the same man.

But Falk did much much more than just play Lt. Columbo.

His career started back in 1957 and by the time he retired had been in over 100 movies and TV shows.

Some of the greats included Murder, Inc., The Untouchables, The Twilight Zone, Murder by Death, The Cheap Detective, The Princess Bride, and others.

Peter Falk was one of the greats - and I expect to see his dirty old raincoat in the Smithsonian’s American History Museum next time I’m in Washington D.C.

Hey, don’t laugh – they have the same “Fonzie” lunchbox there that I had when I was in school.

Feel old yet?

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Video - Miley Cyrus Rushed on Stage by Crazy Fan During Australian Concert

Pop singer Miley Cyrus was rushed by a crazed fan during her “Gypsy Heart” tour in Melbourne Australia last night.

She had just finished her popular song “The Climb” when a crazed fan jumped on the stage and attempted to grab Miley.

Fortunately, security guards ran to her aid and pulled the female fan away from Cyrus and threw her off the stage. Ouch!

Miley was visibly shaken and can be heard saying “Oh my God…” when the fan was grabbed by security.

The attack is at the end of the video…

Watch Crazed Fan Rush Miley Cyrus during Concert

Miley’s troubles come just a day after another young pop star, Justin Bieber, was attacked at an event on Harold Square in New York City while doing press for his new perfume “Someday.”

Related: Video – Bieber attacked at Macys Someday Event

Some reports say it was a miscommunication among off-duty security guards but some eyewitnesses say a man charged Bieber and attacked him before being subdued by security.

No if we could just get somebody to attack Lady Gaga and knock her down a peg or two – where’s Chris Brown when you need him?

See Also:
> Video – Miley Cyrus Does Justin Bieber on SNL
> Video – Miley Cyrus covers “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

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MTV to Jersey Shore Cast – “You’re Fired” – Plans to Completely Recast for Season 6

Huge news America!

News is leaking out that MTV plans to completely recast the players on their popular terrible series “Jersey Shore.”

Several sources including TMZ and US Weekly are saying that MTV wants a totally new, young, and fresh cast when they start filming season 6.

The current group of Jersey Shore stars knuckleheads has just returned from Florence Italy where they completed season 4, and are under lockdown until they start filming season 5 next Monday here in the U.S.

But once season 5 is complete we can say goodbye to Snooki, JWoww, Pauley D, Mike “The Situation”, Ronnie, Sammi, Vinny and Angelena!

While this move may be great for America, it may also be good for MTV, as one insider says that the new cast will make far less than the $100,000 per episode that the current cast makes.

Also, MTV has secured the rights for at least three spinoffs currently under contract for the three breakout stars Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, Jenni "J-Woww" Farley and Paul "DJ Pauly D" DelVecchio.

“These three have already made deals for their own shows and MTV will produce and direct them giving them longevity and cash flow. By bringing in a new cast they can cultivate them for a few seasons and keep the Jersey Shore phenomenon going for as long as they want – or for as long as the viewers will watch that kind of stuff.”

It also lets MTV jettison the dead wood that has started to bog the series down – like Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino.

“The deal between Mike and his Dad Frank Sorrentino has really put a damper on Mike’s ability to continue on the show. And after Mikes terrible appearance on the Donald Trump roast he proved he can only do one thing – and that’s be a Guido.”

A new cast will also give the network the ability to craft a different kind of contract with the new housemates that will prevent some of the problems of the past seasons.

The existing contract allowed the current cast to stonewall and demand more and more money. It also allowed them to pursue outside business opportunities that frequently caused friction and scheduling problems for producers.

With a new cast comes a new contract - and the opportunity for MTV to make it a little more restrictive now that the series is established.

So, we say good riddance to this cast, but leave you with a cautionary reminder…..

What if the new cast is worse than the first?

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Video - Justin Bieber Attacked and Knocked to the Ground in New York City

Poor Justin Bieber.

After a long 24 hours of press while promoting his new “Someday” fragrance, he ran into a little trouble on the streets of New York.

Bieber did the David Letterman show last night and read the Top Ten List, visited the Today Show staff this morning, and wrapped his morning with the gaggle gals on The View.

After his television appearances he headed over to Herald Square to meet his fans at Macys when things went terribly wrong.

Bieber had entered Macy’s to do a quick session with reporters and then headed back outside to greet his fans when a man jumped a metal barricade and secondary rope line and knocked Bieber to the ground.

Witnesses say Bieber was visibly shaken when his two body guards jump into the fry to isolate Justin from the rest of the crowd.

Other witnesses say that it took three bystanders to subdue the attacker until police arrived.

One girl said,

“The guy just jumped the line and started attacking Justin. He pushed him around and finally knocked him to the ground. Everybody was screaming and running around and all you could see was people everywhere.”

Watch Channel 7 Eyewitness News Report

After the incident Bieber returned to the store and went upstairs to meet with fans that had a prearranged meet and greet with the pop singer.

One girl in the crowed was slightly injured but refused medical treatment.

There has been no official statement from Bieber’s camp or Macy’s.

That must be one mighty powerful perfume….

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Video - Justin Bieber Does Top Ten List on David Letterman Show – Hilarious

While Justin Bieber takes a little time off from his 150 show My World tour, the teen pop sensation stopped in New York to visit some friends.

Bieber was in town to promote his new women’s fragrance “Someday” and he stopped by Uncle Dave Letterman’s show to read the top ten list.

The topic was “Top Ten Little Known Facts About Justin Bieber.”

This is not the first time Bieber has done Dave's top ten list, but was probably the funniest.

Even InfoStar learned a thing or two about the singer.

After doing the Letterman show last night, Justin made an appearance on the NBC Today Show Thursday morning before visiting his gal pals over at the view.

After his New York public relations run for “Someday” the singer plans to spend his time between Atlanta and Los Angeles working on his third album.

Insiders say the new album will showcase a much more mature Bieber in both personality and musical style.

See Also:
> Scooter Braun throws world class birthday party
> Chris Brown and Justin Bieber “Next 2 You” Video
> Who has more money - Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber?
> More Justin Bieber Posts…

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Video – J.K. Rowling Announces “Pottermore” – The Wait is Over!

J.K. Rowling - Pottermore
The long wait is over.

Today we are learning the secrets of Pottermore.

J.K. Rowling has finally taken the cover off her long awaited website and is leaking the secrets of her new Harry Potter world interactive web site - Pottermore.

Rowling tells us that Pottermore consists of the same great stories we are all familiar with but with one new addition – you the reader.

The new site will immerse the user with existing Harry Potter stories but will allow the user to interact within the story similar to an online role playing computer game with its own social network similar to Facebook.

One journalist who attended to U.K. unveiling said,

“Pottermore will let the user dive into the world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Some areas let users shop for wands in Diagon Alley, travel to Hogwarts from the imaginary Platform 9 3/4 at London's King's Cross train station and be sorted into Hogwarts school houses by the perceptive Sorting Hat. Along the way are wand fights, games and new information about characters beloved around the world, including Harry's reviled relatives, the Dursleys.”

The site will go live on July 31, when 1 million registered users will be chosen to help beta test the new online world. It will be open to all users starting in October in various languages.

One sleuth tells us,

“It’s kind of like an online computer game based around the Harry Potter books but will allow you to interact with the characters and others in your social media circle. Points and awards will be given for solving mysteries and finding hidden secrets within the stories that can be cashed in for real world stuff.”

Users who collect points, levels, rewards, and other gifts can redeem them at various places on the site, around the web, or at your neighborhood mall.

In addition to letting Pottermore tickle your imagination, it will let you build on the digital stories that we are all familiar with.

Users will also be able to download digit eBooks containing all seven Potter stories as well as new Harry Potter material.

And Rowling has promised to share secrets with us on the site about Harry Potter that she has kept hidden for ten years.

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Lindsay Lohan Fails Drug Test - Not Going Back to Jail – Epic Fail Video

There comes a time when you lose your ability to feel sorry for some people.

After multiple arrests, rehab stays, probation, fines, lost jobs, and media scrutiny, it looks like Lindsay Lohan has finally screwed the pooch.

Lohan appeared in court this morning to answer to Judge Stephanie Sautner after violating her probation by testing positive to alcohol during a drug test.

Who could have seen that one coming?

It seems that Lindsay failed one of the two drug tests she took this week and that violated her probation.

Lohan is under house arrest at her Venice Beach home and is under strict orders to not drink alcohol or take drugs.

But as we all know, Lohan has been partying it up while on house detention, and even threw a BBQ party last Sunday for her friends.

Just a few days ago she told Life Style Magazine,

"I'm a very social person, and I like being outside, especially in Venice Beach. I'd like to get out more. Just going out and having dinner. It's a nice way to just be reading scripts and focusing on what I'm going to do next. I've been having a lot of work-related meetings. Sometimes my friends come over. When my friends come over, they're not drinking. Alcohol is not in my house, so it's just not a part of my life."

Lindsay, saying the words out load does not make them true.

She was also paid $25,000 for a 30 second video shot that was filmed at her home while under house arrest.

Sources say the District Attorney were none too happy that Lohan was throwing parties and flaunting her detention.

So this morning the Judge was expected to threw her back in jail!

But unfortunately, due to a technicality surrounding the testing dates Lohan can not be found guilty for the negative test result. Only in Hollywood folks!

It kind of makes you wonder how many chances this girl is going to get, and quite frankly is an embarrassment to the California judicial system.

That’s right, hard to believe isn’t it - Lindsay Lohan gets away with another violation of probation.

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Video – Britney Spears New “I Wanna Go” Music Video - Review

Britney Spears I Wanna Go
It’s been a while since troubled pop star Britney Spears released any new music.

But in recent months she has dropped two music videos and today just released her latest with “I Wanna Go.”

Britney seems to be taking a journey back over memory lane – finding her roots as she parades around in a Mickey Mouse T-Shirt (her career started as a Mousketeer in the Mickey Mouse Club)

There is also a movie banner seen from “Crossroads 2” which is a reference to her 2002 movie “Crossroads” where she played the role of Lucy Wagner and sang “I Love Rock and Roll” and "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman."

The overall theme of “I Wanna Go” is Britney’s rebellion against the paparazzi and she is seen throwing a photographer’s camera to the ground and signing autographs for only the “cool” people.

The video starts with a press conference where she is asked if she is pregnant with Brad Pitt’s love child. She tells them to f#ck off!

Go Britney!

Perez Hilton commented on Britney’s new video saying,

“The video did what it was supposed to and then some! Not only do you see Britney having lots of fun, but you also hear her speak and are just watching her look very normal. This video says that Britney has a great team around her who are advising her well. They know her strengths and weaknesses and what she needs to be doing right now. This video is mission accomplished! Home run!"

Another critic summed it up well with,

"It was absolutely a smart move. Britney's had rumors going around that she's a robot programmed by the people around her, but she takes the robot theme and turns it around on them. It's great to see Britney actually fight the paparazzi in a video instead of running from them for a change. The video feels like it's 'SNL' meets 'Toxic' meets 'Do Somethin'’ meets Femme Fatale. Britney has so many videos where she plays the sex kitten, so to see her kick ass and take names is really refreshing."

Spears is currently on tour throughout North America on her “Femme Fatale” concerts with Nicki Minaj.

What do you think? Is Britney back from the abyss?

InfoStar thinks so…

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