Video - Rare Justin Bieber Penguin Breed Spotted – Penguieber

Late last week scientists were shocked when a new undiscovered breed of Penguin was spotted at Sea World.

While researchers say it is not uncommon for rare breeds of animals to go unnoticed for thousands of years, they were shocked that this breed, dubbed “Penguieber”, had eluded the scientific community for so long.

“We thought we had seen just about every kind of Penguin species there was. Now we are wondering if there are other varieties that have gone undiscovered. This is truly one of the rarest sightings in the last 100 years.”

Fortunately, a young girl had videotaped the event and quickly sold her footage to a tabloid magazine for $250,000 making it the single most idiotic footage purchase ever on the face of the earth.

Authorities were notified but the elusive Bieber Penguin appeared to escape through a series of tunnels designed for really short people to use for access while feeding the other animals.

Justin’s pet cat “Spaz” took to his twitter account @Justins_Cat to say,

“Meow – I heard they spotted the rare Penguieber yesterday – Sorry guys, it was just me! - Sniff... Purr...”

Attached to his tweet was a photo that appeared to be Spaz dressed in a Penguin suite.

One eyewitness told us,

“It was not Justin’s cat. I know what I saw and it was not a cat. Spaz is just upset because he is not getting all the attention. After all, he is a cat and cats like fish. Wouldn’t YOU be frustrated too?”

You can see Spaz’s tweets at @Justins_Cat

Officials at Sea World have been mum on the issue and refused to give a statement but said they suspected a troublemaker by the name of Alfredo Flores probably had something to do with it.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

Follow @InfoStar on Twitter – we like fish too!

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