Video - Madonna Hates Hydrangeas – Or Not. YouTube Video Confuses Fans

Wow, Hollywood sure can be a strange place.

And so can Venice Italy when Madonna is there.

Last week during a press conference for her new film “W.E.”, Madonna was handed a Hydrangea flower by one of her fans.

She smiled, said thank you, and then proceeded to hand it off to an assistance while uttering those now famous words – “I absolutely loath Hydrangeas”.

Of course her microphone was still on and her comments were picked up for the snooping press to hear.

Well, Madonna should have just stopped there, let it go, never said another word about it – and it all would have faded away.

But noooo, she had to go and make a new YouTube video about the incident.

Madonna took to YouTube, with what you could call a rebuttal to the press backlash, where she filmed a black and white video clip appearing to apologize to the scorned Hydrangea flower.

The problem?

While Madonna apologizes to the flower itself, she never apologizes to the fan who gave it to her. And at the very end she gets a crazy look on her face and says once again how much she hates the flower.

So now we are confused.

What was the purpose of this video?

In the end we decided we don’t care - and neither does the rest of the World so we stopped contemplating its meaning.

In the end, we all know what she SHOULD have done, and those feelings can be summed up with this funny video made by someone with entirely too much time on their hands.

For her part, Madonna continues to promote her new film “W.E.” - a two-tiered romantic drama focusing on the affair between King Edward VIII and American divorcée Wallis Simpson and a modern-day romance between a married woman and a Russian security guard.

Yawn… sounds boring, but the kind of film you would expect Madonna to be part of. In fact, not only did she write the screenplay and much of the script but is also acting as director.

Anyway, in the end we just decided we don’t care about her Hydrangea episode or her movie and are kind of wondering why we even decided to write this story.

Oh well, it does make for a quick chuckle!

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