Video - Mishka The Talking Husky Dog Video Viewed 55 Million Times – He is a Star!

Mishka the Husky is a star.

His owners have more videos of their talking dog Mishka then they do of their own children.

And it’s all because Mishka the Husky can talk.

Seriously – he can talk.

In fact, he not only talks but he can sing too.

One of his most popular videos is the “I Love You” video and it has already been viewed over 55 million times.

Mishka has his own YouTube Channel, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter Account, and has already been on numerous television shows including Regis and Kathy Lee.

He has even appeared in TV commercials and on several radio shows.

And he's also an entrepreneur.

He has written a book and sells his dog songs on iTunes and has a dedicated web site to sell his own t-shirts and bandanas.

He has even been profiled by Brian Williams on NBC’s “Nightly News” with Brian Williams – finally some news that is not bad news!

Mishka is a 9-year-old Siberian husky who has been trained to say certain words by his owner Matthew Gardea, 31, and his wife.

Matthew says,

"What I love about posting [the videos] is that it makes a lot of people happy. And that's really cool – to make a difference like that. People love their animals so much, they'd like to be closer to them – talk to them. But not everyone's dog has the ability to talk because not every dog wants to."

Matthews says when Mishka is not singing, talking, or making YouTube videos he likes to play, lay out in the sun, chase Squirrels and play with his brother and sister Husky’s Laika and Moki.

Justin Bieber's cat Spaz may have his own twitter account, but we have to believe that it is truly a dogs World these days.

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