Justin Bieber Shows Tattoo, Tour Bus and New Earring to Us Magazine - Photo

Pop sensation Justin Bieber recently appeared in a special edition of Us Magazine and really did let his fans into his world.

Bieber talked about playing sports in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, life on the road, and showed his fans the inside of his tour bus and his seagull tattoo.

But one picture stood out as he croons behind a microphone wearing an earring.

One reader told us, “It’s the first time I think I have ever seen him with an earring, and the pictures of his tour bus were cool!”

Another comment said, “I love his seagull tattoo. This is the first picture I have ever seen with him knowingly showing off his seagull tattoo.”

His tour bus looked a little sparse for an entertainer who is expected to have raked in over $100 million dollars last year, but his mother Pattie explains they are doing everything they can to help Justin adjust to everything without it going to his head.

Bieber’s “Never Say Never 3D” is due in theaters in February and then he is back on the road touring Europe in early March.

Vanity Fair just released JB’s cover shoot and interview, he just wrapped a 3 day session on the set of CSI in his recurring role, where even a small setback like a trip to the real life hospital didn’t slow him down.

The kid knows how to work it.

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