Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne Set For Super Bowl Commercial

Teen pop star Justin Bieber and hard rocker Ozzy Osbourne are slated to make an appearance at the upcoming Super Bowl – in a 30 second commercial spot for Best Buy.

We’re not quite sure how they plan to pull off the huge generation gap between the two icons, but we suspect it will be a funny one. How can it not be?

Best Buy released this statement:

"Justin Bieber is the biggest star out there, but that's not why he's in the spot - Justin symbolically represents something important to the brand message."

It’s true; Bieber is somewhat of an electronic nut. He has phones, Twitter, Facebook, laptops, games, and high definition television. Ozzy? Not so much.

Best Buy needs young, technology savvy buyers to help rejuvenate their brand, and they want to attract a younger, hipper, customer base.

It could be a match made in swag heaven.

No one is talking about what the 30-second commercial will include, but we do know it is expected to air in the game's third quarter, and was filmed in early January at Universal Studios.

While Best Buy is being quite about the cost, it was hinted that Bieber got at least $1 million for his time.

Not bad work if you can get it.

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