Charlie Sheen Rushed To Hospital with Abdominal Pain

Poor Uncle Charley, he just can’t catch a break. Once again, Charlie Sheen has been injured while mixing alcohol and hookers.

Sheen, 45, who plays the role of Uncle Charley on the CBS sitcom “Two and a Half Men”, was rushed to Cedars Sinai hospital this morning at 7:00am.

Authorities responded to a 911 call indicating Sheen was suffering from severe abdominal pains and was transported the actor by ambulance.

But as details emerged, it appears that Sheen was again in the company of multiple women and lots of booze.

Twenty two year old porn star Kacey Jordan was one of the party goers. Apparently, Sheen had been trying to find and meet Jordan for over a year and had called her and invited her to his mansion.

Jordan told reporters there were already four other women at Sheen’s house when she arrived and he had wine stains on his shirt. Party on Charlie!

Neighbors told TMZ that Charlie had a party last night, and they heard women inside the house singing Red Hot Chili Peppers songs. The party went on for hours, loudly, and was apparently still in progress at 7:00 am this morning.

“Two and a Half Men” is not taping this week so he is off the hook, no hookers were beat up or bloodied, no jewelry was stolen, and the cops didn’t take anyone to jail.

So all in all, it sounds like a pretty normal day for Sheen.

News is leaking out that during Charlie’s 36 hour bender with booze and porn stars that someone delivered a custom briefcase with “several bricks” of cocaine.

A source from inside the house says Sheen immediately started doing coke – this was late Tuesday night.

No official word yet from Sheen’s shop or the hospital.

Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne Set For Super Bowl Commercial

Teen pop star Justin Bieber and hard rocker Ozzy Osbourne are slated to make an appearance at the upcoming Super Bowl – in a 30 second commercial spot for Best Buy.

We’re not quite sure how they plan to pull off the huge generation gap between the two icons, but we suspect it will be a funny one. How can it not be?

Best Buy released this statement:

"Justin Bieber is the biggest star out there, but that's not why he's in the spot - Justin symbolically represents something important to the brand message."

It’s true; Bieber is somewhat of an electronic nut. He has phones, Twitter, Facebook, laptops, games, and high definition television. Ozzy? Not so much.

Best Buy needs young, technology savvy buyers to help rejuvenate their brand, and they want to attract a younger, hipper, customer base.

It could be a match made in swag heaven.

No one is talking about what the 30-second commercial will include, but we do know it is expected to air in the game's third quarter, and was filmed in early January at Universal Studios.

While Best Buy is being quite about the cost, it was hinted that Bieber got at least $1 million for his time.

Not bad work if you can get it.

Jimmy Buffet in Hospital after Falling Off Stage

Musician Jimmy Buffet is in the hospital recovering from a fall he took Tuesday night.

Reps say that buffet was wrapping up his encore in Sydney Australia Tuesday night when he was blinded by the stage lights and fell off the stage.

Bystanders say Buffet hit his head on something metal as he fell and had a very large bleeding gash on his head and was unconscious for about ten minutes.

Paramedics soon arrived and took the 64 year old singer on a stretcher from the Hordern Pavilion in Sydney.

The singer is listed in stable condition but will remain hospitalized for observation at St. Vincent's Hospital.

Source: TMZ

Keith Olbermann Fired – Leaves MSNBC

If you were watching Keith Olbermann on Friday night you were one of the first to hear the news. Olbermann is leaving MSNBC effective immediately and Friday was his last show. Wow.

Reports indicate Keith had an additional two years left on his contract and did not really give an explanation as to why he was leaving. Was he fired? Yes.

Remember, Keith was suspended for two days in November for “Improper campaign donations” and has come under fire for comments in the past.

By Saturday morning some new outlets were reporting that the recent Comcast NBC takeover approval was the death nail for Mr. Olbermann. In fact, it looks like NBC will continue to pay him his $7 million a year salary. He will probably have to stay off the air for up to a year or more as a result.

“Countdown with Keith Olbermann” was the highest rated show on MSNBC and helped make the network what it is today. Why would the top brass of Comcast want him out?

We never liked Comcast to begin with, and with this move are starting to feel very uneasy about the NBC Comcast deal.

Our favorites Keithisms:

‘That woman is an idiot.’— May 13, 2010, referring to Sarah Palin

‘I accuse you, Mr. Bush, of lying this country into war.’— July 3, 2007

George Clooney Recovering From Malaria

The net is buzzing today with stories about George Clooney being deathly ill with malaria. Well, it’s not true.

Clooney did have malaria, in fact he has had it twice, but his reps have released a statement trying to clear everything up.

“George is completely over the Malaria he contracted while in the Sudan during the first week in January. This illustrates how with proper medication, the most lethal condition in Africa, can be reduced to bad ten days instead of a death sentence."

Clooney was in Sudan last week with execs from Google and the United Nations to work on stopping a new civil war in the troubled country. Clooney is well known for his interest and trips to that region including the Sudan and Darfur.

It should shame us that a condition that takes thousands of lives each year in the region can be treated so cheaply and routinely as to turn it into a ten day discomfort.

Malaria is a parasitic disease that involves high fevers, shaking, chills, flu-like symptoms and death, and is caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one human to another by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes.

Regis Philbin Surprise Retirement

As we all settle into the new week, slowly getting over the worldwide backlash of watching comedian Ricky Gervais, be… well… funny, we have news of a longtime television personality who is calling it quits.

Regis Philbin stunned viewers today with a surprise announcement,

"I don't want to alarm anybody, but this will be my last year on the show. There is a time that everything must come to an end for certain people on camera — especially certain old people!"

Regis has hosted “Live with Regis and Kelly” for ten years, and has spent a lifetime in front of the camera.

Word is that Regis only told Kelly Rippa fifteen minutes before the show taped. He was afraid news would leak if he talked to anybody about it.

But within minutes of his announcement the media was already speculating who would fill his shoes. Some names included Larry King, Jeff Probst, Justin Bieber, Ricky Gervais, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, and others.

Disney/ABC said they plan to continue the show and will announce a replacement shortly.

Let the games begin.

Justin Bieber Shows Tattoo, Tour Bus and New Earring to Us Magazine - Photo

Pop sensation Justin Bieber recently appeared in a special edition of Us Magazine and really did let his fans into his world.

Bieber talked about playing sports in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, life on the road, and showed his fans the inside of his tour bus and his seagull tattoo.

But one picture stood out as he croons behind a microphone wearing an earring.

One reader told us, “It’s the first time I think I have ever seen him with an earring, and the pictures of his tour bus were cool!”

Another comment said, “I love his seagull tattoo. This is the first picture I have ever seen with him knowingly showing off his seagull tattoo.”

His tour bus looked a little sparse for an entertainer who is expected to have raked in over $100 million dollars last year, but his mother Pattie explains they are doing everything they can to help Justin adjust to everything without it going to his head.

Bieber’s “Never Say Never 3D” is due in theaters in February and then he is back on the road touring Europe in early March.

Vanity Fair just released JB’s cover shoot and interview, he just wrapped a 3 day session on the set of CSI in his recurring role, where even a small setback like a trip to the real life hospital didn’t slow him down.

The kid knows how to work it.

Related: Scooter Braun Found Guilty In Mall Mob Incident
Related: Justin Bieber Pelted With Eggs At Concert - Video
Related: Justin Bieber to Star in Movie with Mark Wahlberg
Related: Miley Cyrus Does Justin Bieber on SNL - Video

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Golden Voice Ted Williams – Going to Rehab

Well, maybe we all jumped the gun on this one.

We really wanted Ted to jam on the job offers and chance to set things right.

But it looks like the dream may be allusive for golden voice, ex-homeless man, Ted Williams discovered last week.

It was announced today by TMZ that Williams will check himself into rehab for drugs and alcohol, and it looks like Dr. Phil had something to do with it…

Dr. Phil had Ted and his children on his show Wednesday and things grew a bit emotional. Police were later called to a hotel after Williams hit one of his daughters, grabbed and pushed her, and admitted crack was his drug of choice.

It later became clear that after telling everybody he had been clean and sober for two years…. that he had been drinking every day since he was discovered on YouTube.

Police later released Williams. It is unclear exactly when or where Williams will enter rehab.

We’re still rooting for you Ted.

Charlie, is there anything you need to say?

Homeless Man Has Golden Voice – Video

This is the kind of story we love.

A 53-year old homeless man named Ted Williams was spotted near Columbus Ohio and it turns out the guy has one incredible golden voice.

Williams has become an overnight sensation when he showcased his voice on a YouTube video posted by The Columbus Dispatch.

In the video, Ted is heard using his voice as if he worked for a radio station, and the results are stunning. The video has since gone viral and has well over 15 million views.

The National Basketball Association's Cleveland Cavaliers has offered Williams a job and is helping him obtain a mortgage, transportation, identification, and other things to help get him back on his feet.

What a great story. The video tells it all…

Watch Ted Williams – The man with the golden voice

David Arquette Checks into Rehab for the New Year

After David Arquette’s drunken meltdown over humanity last week, he has decided to check himself into alcohol rehab in L.A.

After partying hard on New Year’s Eve, Arquette decided to check himself in saying, it's "the right thing to do for the family."

Friends say the actor is still reeling from his separation from Courtney Cox-Arquette last year.

While denying the rehab is for drugs, we suspect there are enough demons in there to last for a while.

Watch David Arquette's Drunken meltdown:

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