"Migration of Beauty": A must-see documentary on Ethiopia

Film producer, Chris Flaherty, is screening his acclaimed documentary entitled "Migration of Beauty" in New York this weekend. The first screen was held yesterday at Columbia and generated a lively discussion, in which the producer and members of the audience exchanged views on a variety of topics, including the 2005 elections, the implications of the Red Terror of the 1970s, and the role of the Diaspora in influencing the upcoming 2010 elections.

The second screening will be held today, Sunday December 6, 2009 at the Anthology Film Archives at 32 East 2nd Ave (at 2nd Street) at 4:30 PM. All Ethiopians in the Tri-Sate Area and friends of Ethiopia should make every effort to see this historic documentary, which presents objectively and with fair balance the past few turbulent years of Ethiopian history (from the Derg Era to the Present).

Chris Flaherty should be commended for articulating the Ethiopian reality in a way that has never been done before! We must all show our support by attending the screening and engaging ourselves in the discussions.

Source : Ethiomedia

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