Miss Ethiopia 2009

Chuna Okok, a 22-year-old from Gambella and sophomore at the faculty of business and economics at Addis Ababa University, outranked 19 competitors to win the title of Miss Ethiopia 2009 on January 18th.

After being named Miss Ethiopia of 2009, Chuna said that she was excited to win the title as it would leave a message that Ethiopia is a home for beautiful people in its all regions. She will take part in Miss World Cultural Heritage of 2009 due to be held in Namibia this year.

Chuna was asked to explain what helped her win the Miss Ethiopia 2009 competition. She replied that her confidence took the first and major place. Next to that, she said, her color played an enormous role.

On what constitutes beauty, Chuna said, "beauty to me is the cumulative outcome of internal and external beauty. One will not be complete without the other."

Chuna indicated that she will do her best to promote Ethiopia and the harmony of the different nations and nationalities of Ethiopia, through the display of its culture, dressing, food, and way of living. She said she would also like to introduce Ethiopia's rich natural and historical sites and heritage to the world.

Ms. Okok supports my belief and the belief of many people that no one can command attention and symbloize beauty and exoticism like my dark skinned beautiful sisters. With fierce confidence and intelligence in tow, they captivate and mesmerize.

Ms. Okok represents my best friend, my three cousins, my husband's sister and grandmother, my son's ex-girlfriend, and many women of color across the globe. Ms. Okok is truly beautiful to me. In my opionion, she deserves a Barbie.

Go Ethiopia, I'm proud of your representation of diversity in the meaning of beauty!!

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