Rush Limbaugh In Hospital With Chest Pains

Radio personality Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital yesterday after complaining of chest pains.

The 58 year old is vacationing in Honolulu Hawaii, and while playing golf at the Waialae Country Club on Wednesday afternoon complained of chest pains.

Reports say he was admitted to the hospital in serious condition while tests were completed to determine if he had suffered a heart attack.

Local television stations were reporting Wednesday that paramedics took him to The Queens Medical.

No word yet if Rush will return to his radio show later next week after finishing his vacation.

His website was displaying the following alert:

Rush was admitted to a Honolulu hospital today and is resting comfortably after suffering chest pains. Rush appreciates your prayers and well wishes. He will keep you updated via and on Thursday's radio program.

Teddy Afro impress fans in London

Artist Tewedros Kashun , also known as Teddy Afro, one of Ethiopia’s most popular and talented artist, gave a spectacular concert in London last Saturday.

In his last stop on his 2009 European tour, Teddy Afro expressed gratitude and respect for his fans, who stood beside him while he was in prison. He received a warm welcome from his fans who showed their love and admiration by queuing up for more than 4 hrs amidst London’s chilly weather.

Fans who read reports on Teddy’s performance in some European cities were doubting whether Teddy will be singing his famous and controversial song such as ‘Jah Yasteserial’ and ‘Dahlak Layye Neww Bette’ in their entirety. But Teddy didn’t disappoint his London fans, he sang the full version of all his loved songs. As per his usual, his message were about love, peace and Ethiopiawinet.

Teddy is expected to travel to North America on Tuesday.

Read the full report in
Amharicby Abate Melaku

Tree man

Dede Koswara dubbed the Tree Man is back after nine months of operations to remove the woody growth from his body. He was once sacked from his job, deserted by his wife and shunned by his neighbors - treated like a freak becaused of his gnarled growths sprouting from his hands and feet. The warts on Dede’s body was the cause of a severe Human Papilloma Virus infection. The 37 year old man’s life quality has improved where he now can use his hand write and use the cell phone. Dede still has to go through more surgery in October after the fasting month to trim more warts and was given strong course of medicine including vitamin A in an attempt to prevent the return of the growth. 3 more images of Dede Koswara the tree man getting better after a break....

Via Link

Gelila Assefa among the best dressed celebrities of 2009

The popular fashion magazine Bazaar selects Ethiopian fashion designer and philanthropist Gelila Assefa Puck ( as among the best dressed celebrities of 2009.

Click here to see all of Bazaars "Best Dressed Celebrities of 2009″

Last November, Gelila announced a partnership with the Orphaned Starfish Foundation to fund a new computer lab for a school run by the Ethiopian Children's Fund (ECF) in rural Aleltu, Ethiopia.

Gelila Assefa Puck is an internationally known designer of fine couture gowns and handbags, and philanthropist who was born and schooled in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Gelila's couture fashion brand, Gelila Style, is rooted in her East African heritage and today is principally focused on a distinctive handbag line, which includes simple, classic clutches and bags made from crocodile, ostrich and African springbok.

Gelila and her husband, superchef Wolfgang Puck, support numerous other charities worldwide, and were both honored in March of 2009 by the Children's Institute in Southern California with the prestigious Champion of Children Award.

World's Tallest Dog

Standing at nearly 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and weighing a staggering 245lbs could this be the world's new tallest dog? Pictured here in the parks of Tuscon, Arizona, George, a four-year-old blue great dane, looks more like a miniature horse than a dog. More images after a break.......
'Giant George' and owner Dave Nasser share a couch together: The four-year-old blue great dane, weighs a staggering 245lbs and measures almost 43ins at the shoulder. The gentle giant, who measures 7ft 3ins from nose to tail, could be a prime contender to take the title from the former record holder, Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane who passed away from cancer last August.

Now George's owners, David and Christine Nasser, are awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records to see if he has achieved the lofty heights.

'He's 42.625 inches at the shoulder,' said David. 'He's very very unique.'

According to David, George consumes 110lbs of food every month, and sleeps alone in his own Queen Size Bed.  David and Christine raised George from when he was 7 weeks old, but never expected him to grow so big.

Magnificent: George measures more than 7ft from nose to tail and tucks away 110lbs of food every month

With size comes problems: The giant great dane barely fits in the back of his owner's SUV

The couple eventually had to move their aptly named dog out of their king sized bed, when he grew too large for the three of them to share the same sheets.

Dr. William Wallace of the Buena Pet Clinic in Tucson, who witnessed the documentation necessary for the Guinness record, said: 'In my 45 years of experience working with giant breed dogs, without question, George is the tallest dog I have ever seen.'

David is currently rushing to get that necessary documentation into Guinness as other dog owners are coming forth claiming the record.  As they wait for the results to come through, George is busy occupying himself with his new found stardom and even has a Facebook fan page and Twitter accounts for his adorning fans. It appears as though the sky's the limit for this mammoth hound.

Paws for thought: George's giant feet dwarf his owner Dave Nassar's hand. Last August the worldís tallest dog, Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane, passed away from cancer
Via Link

Bull Frog Vs Sparrow

Spectacular captures of the American Bullfrog preying on an unlucky sparrow. Growing up to a length of 20 centimeters or 7.9 inches, the bullfrog preys on any animal that it can overpower and stuff down its throat. Their stomachs have been found to contain rodents, small turtles, snakes, frogs including bullfrogs and birds of course. Ambush predators as they are known for, the bullfrog can be seen submerging large preys (in this case the sparrow) into the water to cut their air supply and defense. Check out the whole sequence of the bullfrog and the unlucky sparrow with 5 more pics after the jump........

 Via : Link

The Largest Pair of Jeans Ever

Seamstresses in Peru decided to get to the Guinness World Record for the largest pair of jeans ever. The pair of jeans measures 141 feet tall and 98 feet wide and weighs in at 7.5 tons. The current record is held by the city of Medellin in Columbia. That pair was 114 feet tall and 82 feet wide. It sounds like they are just waiting for their record setting jeans to be accepted by Guinness. There wasn’t a Guinness representative present, but a notary who can send documentation to the group was. The pants will be recycled as backpacks for school children. [via DamnCoolPics] More images after a break.......

Expensive Art

All right, I understand everything: it is art, it is beautiful etc…
but why, why did they have to waste so much money? Please dont ...? More images after a break....

Holy Cow Born With White Cross On Forehead

A "Holy Cow" Moses was born last week at a dairy farm in Sterling, Connecticut. Moses was born with an unique "birthmark" that looks like a white cross on its forehead.

His owner, Brad Davis, told WFSB-TV he thought the marking may be a message from above, though he is still trying to worl out what that message might be. Ric Grummer, the chairman of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Dairy Science, told the Norwich Bulletin newspaper it is not unusual for a Holstein cow to have a white marking on its head.

I am quite sure that Moses won't become the dishes on dining table in its entire life due to its white cross.
Via Link

American Soldiers Back From war In Iraq

There are no heros in war, only victims. A look at some of the US soldiers that came back from the Iraq war and each of them definitely has their own story to tell. Their tragedy will only be life reminders of how ugly war really is.

Check out 8 more Images of US soldiers back from the war in Iraq after the jump.

Via : Link

Ambulance At Tiger Woods...

Just when you thought things could not get worse for Tiger Woods, they have. Here is more breaking news about the saga that is Tiger.

Tiger Woods' mother-in-law was rushed to the hospital by ambulance early Tuesday morning for stomach pains.

Someone called 911 from Wood's house about 2:30 a.m. requesting an ambulance.

Barbro Holmberg is now listed in stable condition, and her ailment was not considered serious.

Holmberg lives in Sweden and is the mother of Tiger's wife, Elin.

"Migration of Beauty": A must-see documentary on Ethiopia

Film producer, Chris Flaherty, is screening his acclaimed documentary entitled "Migration of Beauty" in New York this weekend. The first screen was held yesterday at Columbia and generated a lively discussion, in which the producer and members of the audience exchanged views on a variety of topics, including the 2005 elections, the implications of the Red Terror of the 1970s, and the role of the Diaspora in influencing the upcoming 2010 elections.

The second screening will be held today, Sunday December 6, 2009 at the Anthology Film Archives at 32 East 2nd Ave (at 2nd Street) at 4:30 PM. All Ethiopians in the Tri-Sate Area and friends of Ethiopia should make every effort to see this historic documentary, which presents objectively and with fair balance the past few turbulent years of Ethiopian history (from the Derg Era to the Present).

Chris Flaherty should be commended for articulating the Ethiopian reality in a way that has never been done before! We must all show our support by attending the screening and engaging ourselves in the discussions.

Source : Ethiomedia

10 Amazing Staircases Around the World

1. Spiral Stair (Australia)

Fascinating spiral stairs at Garvan Institute in Sydney, Australia. 6.5 revs and five stories from top to bottom.(Link - Photo)

2. Spiral Staircase at the Vatican Museum (Italy)

The Vatican Museums spiral staircase is one of the most photographed in the world, and certainly one of the most beautiful. Designed by Giuseppe Momo in 1932, the broad steps are somewhere between a ramp and a staircase. The stairs are actually two separate helixes, one leading up and the other leading down, that twist together in a double helix formation. Little did theVatican Museum know in 1932 that this formation would come to represent life itself, with the discovery of the double helical DNA strand. (Link)

3. Loretto Chapel Staircase (USA)

The Loretto Chapel is a chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, known for its unusual spiral staircase that is an exceptional work of carpentry. The construction and builder of the staircase are considered a miracle by the Sisters of Loretto and many who visit it, because it had no central support (a support was added later). The resulting staircase is an impressive work of carpentry. It ascends twenty feet, making two complete revolutions up to the choir loft without the use of nails or apparent center support. It has been surmised that the central spiral of the staircase is narrow enough to serve as a central beam. Nonetheless there was no attachment unto any wall or pole in the original stairway. Instead of metal nails,the staircase was constructed using dowels or wooden pegs. The wood for the staircase cannot be found anywhere in the region. The stairs had 33 steps, the age of Jesus when he died. The mystery had never been satisfactorily solved as to who the carpenter was or where he got his lumber, since there were no reports of anyone seeing lumber delivered or even seeing the man come and go whilethe construction was being done. Since he left before the Mother Superior could pay him, the Sisters of Loretto offered a reward for the identity of the man, but it was never claimed.

Note: some historians claime that most of this story is a MYTH. (Thanks, drxwes) (Link 1 Link 2 Photo)

4. Tulip Staircase at the Queen's House (England)

The elegant Tulip Stairs in the Queen's House are the first geometric self-supporting spiral stairs in Britain. Although called the 'Tulip Stairs,' it is thought that the stylized flowers in the wrought-iron balustrade are actually fleurs-de-lis, as this was the emblem of the Bourbon family of which Queen Henrietta Maria (wife of Charles I) was a member. The Tulip Stairs are also the location of the Rev R. W. Hardy's famous 'ghost' photograph taken on 19 June 1966, which when developed revealed what appear to be two or three shrouded figures onthe staircase. (Link Photo)

5. Staircase at Lello Bookshop (Portugal)

This interesting grand staircase in Lello Bookshop in Portugal stands ominous and heavy. The steps are like two channels pouring and swirling to a single point. The side view gives you a closer idea of the immense curves and giddy sinking feeling to each step. (Link)

6. San Francisco's Tiled Steps - World's Longest Mosaic Stair (USA)

The 16th Avenue Tiled Steps, perhaps the world's longest mosaic staircase (163 steps, 82' high), was conceived and fabricated by Irish ceramicist Aileen Barr and San Francisco mosaic artist Colette Crutcher. Over a two and a half year period, a tireless group of neighbors raised funds and lobbied city government to make the project, unveiled in August 2005, a reality. Over 2000 handmade tiles and 75,000 fragments of tile, mirror and stained glass went into the finished piece, located at 16th Ave. and Moraga, in San Francisco. (Link)

7. Umschreibung - KPMG Building Munich (Germany)

This artistic staircase designed by Olafur Eliasson is called Umschreibung (Rewriting), and was completed in 2004. It's in the courtyard of the global accounting firm KPMG in Munich. (Photo Link)

8. Stairs at the Longchamp Store (New York)

Constructed in 1¼” hot-rolled steel and taking six months to be built, the sta ir landscape weighs 55 tons and is an installation of ribbon-like forms that divide and converge to form a topography of walkways, landings and steps. (Link)

9. Vertigo Staircase at the QVB Building (Australia)

This image shows “The Grand Staircase" of Sydney's Grand Queen Victoria Building. This building, now affectionately known as the QVB, wasdesigned by George McRae and completed in 1898, replacing the original Sydney markets on the site. Built as a monument to the long reigning monarch, construction took place in dire times, as Sydney was in a severe recession. The elaborate Romanesque architecture was specially planned for the grand building so the Government could employ many out-of-work craftsmen – stonemasons, plasterers, and stained window artists – in a worthwhile project. (Link)

10. Bridge-stair at the Traversinertobel (Switzerland)

The bridge over the Traversinertobel, a side valley of the Via Mala, is the latest structure of this kind designed by engineer Jürg Conzett and his associate Rolf Bachofner . They solved the problem of connecting two different elevations over the gorge by creating a staircase.The staircase replaces a rope bridge for hikers that was wiped out by a rock slide. This suspended footbridge spans a distance of 56 metres, with a difference in height of 22 metres between the two ends. (Link 1 LinkLink 3 )

Michael Jackson Glove sold for just under £30,000

A white glove once worn by Michael Jackson has been sold for just under £30,000 at an auction in Australia. The singer threw the jewel-encrusted glove into the crowd, during a visit to Sydney in 1996.
Music collector Bill Hibble caught it, but the item has now been sold to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, where it will go on display. It's thought to be the first Michael Jackson glove to go on sale since he died on 25 June.  Link

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