Top 10 Openly Gay Female Hollywood Celebrities

Last week we revealed our top ten openly gay male celebrities list. The response was so overwhelming that we had to follow with our list of female gay celebrities.

Related Story: InfoStar Top Ten Openly Gay Male Hollywood Actors

With Proposition 8 floating around California there has been increased interest in gay and lesbian celebrities, and how this legislation may impact them.

Many are publicly stepping up to the plate to help support the amendment, and more are working behind the scenes.

Related Story: Spielberg Donates $100,000 To Support Gay Marriage Proposition
Related Story: Brad Pitt Gives $100K To Defeat Prop 8 Gay Marriage Repeal

We know there are others not on the list, but these were the gay and lesbian Hollywood female celebrities we felt have had the most influence in one way or another. You be the judge.

Lindsay Lohan
Her on again off again lesbian affair with DJ Samantha Ronson has climaxed with Ronson's announcement this month that she will marry her long time friend, and Lohan admitting the two are officially dating.

Cynthia Nixon
"Sex And The City" co-star, in a relationship with another woman since 2003, talked openly about her life during a press tour for the 2008 movie.

Ellen DeGeneres
Came out in real life in 1997, and at the time, DeGeneres' lesbian relationship with actress Anne Heche made them a hot "celebrity" couple until their split in August 2000. Ellen is now married to Portia de Rossi.

Portia de Rossi
Starred in "Aly McBeal", "Nip/Tuck" and "Arrested Development". Came out in 2005, now married to Ellen DeGeneres.

Amanda Bearse
Best known as the prying neighbor Marcy Rhodes in the trendy sitcom 'Married: With Children' (1986-1997). Her first significant acting job was on the daily soap opera 'All My Children' (1982-1984).

Rosie O'Donnell
When President Bush first proposed a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in 2004, the comedian and television host immediately flew to San Francisco and married her long-time gay partner. The mayor of San Francisco temporarily granted gay marriages after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that anti-same-sex sodomy laws were unconstitutional.

Suze Orman
Financial advisor, writer and author announced in February 2007 that she was gay and had a life partner. She is best known from her CNBC financial advice program.

Mary Cheney
While not a movie-making celebrity, the daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, has been the subject of disdain from both ends of the political spectrum.

Melissa Etheridge
Grammy award-winning musician, singer and gay rights activist, who came out during the Clinton inauguration in 1993. Etheridge's gay partnership with Julie Cypher made them parents to two children: Bailey Jean, born February 1997, and Beckett, born November 1998, via a sperm donation from David Crosby of Crosby, Stills and Nash.

Fannie Flagg
The television personality was romantically linked with author Rita Mae Brown who later exposed their homosexual relationship. Brown was also once the romantic partner of tennis legend Martina Navratilova. Flagg wrote the book "Fried Green Tomatoes", which later became a hit film.

Runners Up:

Lily Tomlin
The actress and comedian's sexual orientation was an open Hollywood secret for many years. Although she has gone through periods where she refuses to talk about her private life, she sporadically speaks of her sexual orientation in a matter-of-fact, and casual way.

Chastity Bono
Gay rights, human rights activist and the daughter of Sonny Bono and Cher. She was exposed as gay by Star magazine in 1990, fourteen years after she became a household name when her parents regularly featured her on their popular television series 'The Sonny And Cher Show.'
Suspected Runner Up:

Ellen Page
After a lesbian tainted Saturday Night Live skit, and refusing to answer the big question several times, rumors began swirling that Ellen Page was gay. Although we can't confirm this, nor has Page commented publicly, many suspect the actress will someday announce her true nature.

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