Penelope Cruz got hots with girls

sexy actress, Penelope Cruz

Latina hot actress Penelope Cruz is seen doing a liplock scene with sexy celebrity Scarlett Johansson in the set of their latest Woody Allen film. They will appear in Vicky Cristina Barcelona as the two American girls having an affair with a painter. It is reported that the erotic scenes featuring in this movie will turned out to be the movie industry's biggest and finest. Apart from them, they will be joined by Javier Bardem and Chris Messina. Dubbed as "Spanish Enchantress", she started in television and music videos before her cross-over in Hollywood. A self-confessed vegan, she first loved dancing along with her younger sister Monica.

She claimed her fame in Pedro Almodovar's Todo Sobre mi Madre (1999) (All About My Mother) followed by her role as a chef in the movie Woman in Top. She apparently starred in films like Vanilla Sky in which is the remake of her Spanish film Abre Los Ojos, Gothika, Volver and The Good Night. She reportedly starred in her brother's music video "Cosas que Contar" giving her sister Monica a liplock. Can't get enough of her? See her in upcoming films Elegy, G-Force and Nine. Her relationship was as celebrated as her career. She got a three-year relationship with Vanilla Sky co-star Tom Cruise followed by her dating stints with Matthew McConaughey. Now, she's equally happy with boyfriend Javier Bardem and her lasting friendship with another Latin actress Salma Hayek. As far as her career's concern, she still emerge the "fittest" among her contemporaries because projects flowed upon her.

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