YouTube Surpasses 100 Million U.S. Viewers
Americans’ Time Spent Viewing Jumps 15 Percent versus Previous Month

RESTON, VA, March 4, 2009 – comScore (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released January 2009 data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that U.S. Internet users viewed 14.8 billion online videos during the month, representing an increase of 4 percent versus December 2008.YouTube led the growth charge, accounting for 91 percent of the incremental gain in the number of videos viewed versus December, as it surpassed 100 million viewers for the first time.
In January, Google Sites once again ranked as the top U.S. video property with 6.4 billion videos viewed (43 percent online video market share), with accounting for more than99 percent of all videos viewed at the property. Fox Interactive Media ranked second with 552 million videos (3.7 percent), followed by Yahoo! Sites with 374 million (2.5 percent) and Viacom Digital with 288 million (1.9 percent). Megavideo climbed 15 percent (103 million videos) in January to capture a spot in the top ten for the first time.

Top U.S. Online Video Properties* by Videos Viewed
January 2009
Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore Video Metrix
Property Videos (000) Share (%) of Videos
Total Internet 14,831,607 100.0
Google Sites 6,367,638 42.9
Fox Interactive Media 551,991 3.7
Yahoo! Sites 374,161 2.5
Viacom Digital 287,615 1.9
Microsoft Sites 267,475 1.8
HULU.COM 250,473 1.7
Turner Network 195,983 1.3
AOL LLC 184,808 1.2
Disney Online 141,452 1.0
MEGAVIDEO.COM 102,857 0.7

*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video.

Google Sites Surpasses 100 Million Viewers in January

More than 147 million U.S. Internet users watched an average of 101 videos per viewer in January. Google Sites grew to 102 million online video viewers during the month, or more than two out of every three Internet users who watched video. Fox Interactiveranked second with 62.1 million viewers, followed by Yahoo! Sites (41.9 million) and Microsoft Sites (30.0 million).

Top U.S. Online Video Properties* by Unique Viewers
January 2009
Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore Video Metrix
Property Unique Viewers (000) Average Videos per Viewer
Total Internet 147,322 100.7
Google Sites 101,870 62.5
Fox Interactive Media 62,109 8.9
Yahoo! Sites 41,859 8.9
Microsoft Sites 30,042 8.9
AOL LLC 27,198 6.8
HULU.COM 24,448 10.2
CBS Corporation 24,215 4.2
Viacom Digital 24,126 11.9
Turner Network 22,979 8.5
Disney Online 13,435 10.5

*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video.

Other notable findings from January 2009 include:

76.8 percent of the total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video.
The average online video viewer watched 356 minutes of video (approximately 6 hours), up 15 percent versus December.
100.9 million viewers watched 6.3 billion videos on (62.6 videos per viewer).
54.1 million viewers watched 473 million videos on (8.7 videos per viewer).
The duration of the average online video was 3.5 minutes, up from 3.2 minutes per video in December.
The duration of the average online video viewed at Megavideo was 24.9 minutes, higher than any other video property in the top ten.

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