Video - Justin Bieber Talks About His New Album – Producers Talk New Strategy

Justin Bieber is preparing his third studio album expected to drop sometime this November.

After the runaway success of his My World and remix EP’s, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

In fact, some insiders say that his new album titled “Believe” will be a defining moment for the young pop singer as his fans have grown older and are looking for more mature music.

Bieber told MTV last week at his “Someday” event at Macys,

“I want to work a lot with myself. And I want to write a lot myself. I will be working with a lot of other producers and stuff like that, but I’m just writing a lot, and I wrote a lot on tour. I'm writing about how I feel. I’ve been really into it and, hopefully, this next album will be huge.”

And the stakes are high for the superstar.

Insiders say his current fans have begun to tire of the “Baby” and “One Less Lonely Girl” type music and are looking for more mature vibes from the singer – think Justin Timberlake.

Remember “MMMBop” by Hanson? Heard it lately?

Justin needs to produce a record of NEW songs and not just rehash the old ones he already has with remixes and collaborations with hip hop stars.

He needs to bring his existing fans along for the ride, but also appeal to the 18-25 year old market. If this album flops, many think it may spell the end of his miraculous run.

MTV’s Jim Jonsin, who is currently working with Justin on his new album, says,

"For Bieber, I think I want to reach back to New Edition, those days. I want to try to do something like that - 'Please Don't Go Girl,' New Kids on the Block style - because the girls would go crazy. He needs a little bit of soul, R&B, and pop as well."

Watch Jim Jonsin talk about Justin's New Album

InfoStar can think of lots of New Kids on the Block, New Edition, or Kelly Rowland tunes that we think would suit Justin very well. But that’s not new material – and that’s what he needs now more than ever.

One message that seems to be heard loud and clear from his current fans is NO MORE RAP OR HIP HOP.

And insiders agree.

Many feel if Bieber strays to close to Chris Brown, 50 Cent, Kanye or Diddy, it will backfire big time with his fans. Just ask any Belieber you know and they will tell you they don’t want him to move into doing hip hop.

But it may be too late.

Some of his fans say that Bieber has changed as he has grown older and they don’t like what they see anymore.

After inking several new tattoos this spring, and his music video collaboration with Chris Brown on “Next 2 You”, his fans are starting to look for a new star to throw their fan power and purchasing muscle behind.

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“This is natural. Artists grow and so do their fans. The trick is to not change too much while bringing new, more mature music to the scene. If you move in a direction your fans don’t like it can be over for you as quick as it started.”

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Somehow we suspect Bieber will pull off another great album.

There are too many white hot song writers and producers willing to help make sure the new album is the best it can be. There is a lot riding on it for a whole lot of people so we’re pretty sure they will get it right.

“This is a make or break album for Bieber. He can’t get away with singing ‘Baby’ forever and his fans need new material. But he absolutely has to transition into a more mature genre without alienating his existing fans while at the same time bringing in new 18-25 year old fans. Producers have to find new fans who will fall in love with new Justin Bieber songs.”

And hey, if this music thing doesn’t work out for him he can still retire with what he already has – three albums, hit 3D movie, Someday Perfume, and every other merchandise tie-in you can imagine.

We think he’ll do the right thing.

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