Video - Dani Shay Releases New Video of Her Personal Journey Through Life and Music

Dani Shay wants you to know who she is and what she is about.

She wants to share her views of music, poetry, laughter, and life – and says she is ready to share her music with the World.

“I feel that it’s my purpose, and my job to be exactly who I am.  I’ve been preparing, I’ve been learning, I’ve been growing. I know that after this I’m going to be in a HD studio recording with violins and other musicians and producers and a fancy mixing board. So thank you for welcoming me into your life.”

Many of you first met Dani Shay on the television show “America’s Got Talent” when she sang a parody of Justin Bieber’s hit song “Baby” after being told by friends and fans that she looks like the young superstar.

Related: Was that Justin Bieber on AGT? – Video

Twenty-two year old Dani comes from Orlando Florida and has been a musician all her life.

You can tell by her music and lyrics that there is a deep connection within her, and she is desperately trying to make sense of life’s journey through her music.

Last week, Shay was selected by the AGT judges to proceed to the live Hollywood round of the shows competition putting her one step closer to her dream.

Related: Dani Shay is going to Hollywood! – Video

But her journey almost ended last week when she decided to audition with her original tune “Super Heroes” and had to stop midway as her nerves got the best of her.

All three judges chastised her for singing an original, but gave Dani the opportunity to audition again with a cover of Ray LaMontagne’s “Trouble”.

It was good enough for the judges to put her through to the live Hollywood shows starting mid-July.

Almost as if she knows she is on the cusp of fame, Dani talks about her current album “See Me Now” and says it will become known as the “stuff I did before I got famous”.

She self-produced it herself and says,

“I created this 10-track album by myself in the Fall of 2010, while on a week-long, completely secluded recording retreat.  It includes 2 live bonus tracks, and has a very personal touch.  :)  I’ll sign the first 1,000 copies I sell!”

The album is available from her website

Shay also created a ten minute video for The Next Great Singer web site that gives us a little insight into who she is, what she is made of, what she likes, what scares her, and what her dreams are.

Watch Dani Shay Self Discovery Video

We suspect Dani is right – after her national media exposure on “America’s Got Talent”, and her already embedded base of music and fans, the next stop is Hollywood or Nashville to launch a full-blown music career.

Even if she doesn’t get much farther in the AGT competition, enough people have seen her, and know who she is, that it’s just a matter of time before the music labels come knocking at her door.

Once she gets the right people, financing, and marketing behind her there will be no stopping this artist.

But Dani, don’t let the system turn you into somebody you don’t want to be. Stay true to yourself and always be yourself and let the world come to you.

And about that whole looking like Justin Bieber thing - it might have been the best thing to ever happen to you as it got the World’s attention.

That’s always how it starts – with just one lucky break.

Follow InfoStar on Twitter – Dani would approve...

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