Dani Shay Sings “Babylon” Live on AGT - Judges Mixed

Orlando singer and Justin Bieber look-a-like Dani Shay performed tonight live for the first time on America’s Got Talent.

After letting her nerves get the best of her during her audition and forgetting the words to her own song, tonight she sang live for the first time saying,

“I’m feeling extremely excited. It feels surreal. I got a guitar when I was 16 and it was my way of putting everything aside that was happening to me. It was just a way for me to connect. Now I get to perform in front of millions of people live.”

Related: Meet Dani Shay – No, it was not Justin Bieber on AGT - Video

Dani sang “Babylon” by David Grayand, and started while sitting on a couch in a living room type set that was subdued and appealing. There were pictures on the tables of her real family and an old shag carpet on the floor.

It was a nice touch.

We thought at times she sounded a bit like Alanis Morissette, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but her performance could have been stronger.

There were a few moments when things sounded a bit flat but overall we thought she nailed it.

The reactions from the AGT judges were mixed.

Sharon Osbourne loved her performance saying,

“Amazing. I love your purity. You sing with your heart.”

Howie Mandel said his only concern was her song choices. He felt she really wanted to say something with her music and her song choices showed that. He felt she needed to pick more popular songs that the young people would like”.

Piers Morgan said Shay looked more like a performer than she ever had. He felt a few of her notes were a bit off key and the performance was not perfect.

But we all hate Piers and don’t listen to anything he says, right?

Related: Singer Dani Shay going to Hollywood on AGT - Video

So the judges liked Dani’s performance overall but criticized her for her song choices agreeing she may have to pick more popular songs that more people can connect with.

Okay, we think Dani will probably get voted through because she has become a viewer and fan favorite.

If the hits to this blog for anything “Dani Shay” are any indication, there are a lot of people who want to know more about her.

And she wants you to know more about her.

In fact, Dani has just released a new video talking about her life, her music, and how she sees herself fitting into the world.

Related: Dani Shay Releases New Video of Her Personal Journey Through Life and Music

Come on America, you know what you need to do now.

All you have to do is pick up the phone and call in your vote for Dani and there is no doubt we will see her again.

Dani – take the judges advice and pick a more popular song for next week. Pick something bizarre but emotional - think outside of the box.

Remember, these judges want you to be a million dollar act so you may have to pick a million dollar song even if you don’t want to.

This is your chance. Take it.

And Piers Morgan – you are the biggest douchebag in the world. You are a jerk and really distract from the show. Producers need to take a hard look, and listen to the booing audience, and decide if they really want this jerk on their show.

We don’t. America doesn’t. And we wish there was a number we could call to vote his a## off the show.

We hate you Piers Morgan.

Follow @InfoStar on Twitter – but only if you hate Piers Morgan

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