Justin Bieber’s Manager Scooter Braun Found Guilty in 2009 Mall Mob Incident

Remember the “Free Scooter” campaign of 2009?

Back in November 2009, Justin Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun was arrested at New York’s Roosevelt Field Mall for not cancelling a performance before the crowed grew unruly.

Almost 3,000 Bieber fans had shown up to see the singer perform when police were called to control the crowd.

Braun was told to cancel the performance and use Twitter to tell the fans to disperse.

Police cancelled the event but not after 5 people were injured and Braun had been arrested on charges of reckless endangerment and criminal nuisance.

The next day, Bieber was seen sporting a t-shirt with the slogan “Free Scooter”.

Today, Scooter and Bieber’s record label Island Def Jam agreed to plead guilty on one count of violating a county safety ordinance. A rep commented,

“Basically they are just trying to settle the case and make it go away. It is water under the bridge and was only a moderate safety infraction. This way both sides can move on and put this issue behind them. After reviewing the case, both sides agreed things could have been handled better by everyone involved.”

Island will pay a small fine of $8,000 to settle the case and Bieber is ordered to do a PSA (Public Service Announcement) about cyber bullying.

Not bad when you consider that Bieber makes $300,000 per show, and has pulled in over $100 million dollars over the last year between his “My World” concert tour and widely successful 3D movie “Never Say never”.

For his part, Bieber is finishing his tour in Australia this week and has plans to move on to Japan later this month.

But his tour management company and stage crew have mounted a mutiny of sorts and are refusing to work in Japan due to the risk of radiation from last month’s earthquake and tsunami.

Related: Bieber’s crew refuses to work in Japan – Mutiny!

If the team can’t come to some sort of agreement soon, the May 17th and 19th shows in japan may have to be cancelled. Both Avril Lavigne and Slash have already cancelled shows at the same stadiums in Japan over health fears.

Once his tour is over later this month, Bieber plans to return to the U.S. and finish work on his third album and begin shooting his new movie with Mark Wahlberg.

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