Adam Lambert Thrown Out Of Lady Gaga’s 25th Birthday Party

Wow, who could ever imagine both Adam “Glambert” Lambert and Lady Gaga in the same room?

It all happened last week at Gaga’s 25th birthday party at La Cita restaurant in Los Angeles.

Witnesses say the Lambert was not on the guest list but showed up as a guest of Scissor Sisters and starting getting unruly and out of control.

At one point he was dancing on a table and accidently punched a hole in the ceiling. When he tried to sing a personal Birthday wish to Ms. Gaga he was asked to leave the club. Awkward.

It didn’t stop there. Lambert then tried to smear birthday cake in the face of Ms. Gaga and was promptly escorted out by security.

Lambert later Tweeted,

"Was trying for celebratory gesture 4 gaga's B- piñata style... instead my fist is all bruised and la cita has a hole in the ceiling. My hand still hurts. #sloppy.”

When asked about the incident Lambert replied, “What do you want from me?”

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