John Cryer and Angus T. Jones to Star in New ‘Two and a Half Men’ without Charlie Sheen – Confirmed

It has been a brutal two months for Chuck Lorre.

Charlie Sheen was fired from his show “Two and a Half Men”, the remaining season was cancelled, and the future of the sitcom was unknown.

While there has been some speculation and many great ideas floated about, we didn’t really know anything solid – until now.

The Inquisitr is reporting that Chuck Lorre has confirmed to them that the remaining parts of the eighth season, and any new shows from that point on, will now focus on Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones character while a possible new character may be introduced.

It’s official – “Two and A Half Men” is BACK!

This was what we were hoping for all along. We knew there had to be a way to keep the show going, and Cryer and Jones are the perfect match to bridge any transition in plot.

One insider said,

“They already have the set, a group of actors with contracts, an audience, and a place to start a new plot. They would have been fools to not try and keep it going – even if it was for just one season to see how it goes. They could have a bigger hit on their hands now than they did with the old show and Sheen. Charlie thinks he’s indispensable – but he’s not.”

The deal most certainly looked attractive to both Cryer and Jones. Sheen was pulling in $1.8 million per episode, Cryer was earning $550k, and Angus (Jake) was making $350k per show.

With Sheen’s salary expense out of the way, producers can afford to spread that love around a little more to the remaining cast and crew – everybody wins.

Except Uncle Charlie.

While it is not clear what impact Sheen’s $100 million lawsuit against Chuck Lorre, CBS and Warner Brothers will have on the shows finances, some smart legal people tell us that Charlie will probably not prevail.

So let’s bring the show back with Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones as the new leads, and weave in larger roles for Herb Melnick (Ryan Stiles), Berta (Conchata Ferrell), Rose (Melanie Lynskey), and of course mother Evelyn (Holland Taylor).

That’s all we ever wanted. We don’t need Charlie Sheen anymore.

Go Chuck Lorre!

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Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice Loosing Viewers and Advertising Dollars

Donald Trump may have had a good reason to go after Obama about his birth certificate – public relations.

While Trump seems to spew on about how his show “Celebrity Apprentice” is the most popular show on NBC, the truth seems quite different.

Trumps recent display of hatred toward Jerry Seinfeld and Robert De Niro, along with his bizarre conspiracy about Obama’s birth certificate, may be destroying his reality show.

In fact, the numbers look really bad, with viewers 18-49 down over 40% this year, and advertising revenue far behind last year. And with all the Meat Loaf and Gary Busey shenanigans this year one would think the show would be a runaway success.

Advertising Age says “Apprentice” ad revenue is down for a couple of reasons.

First, Trumps uncertain Presidential run and poor handling of the birth certificate issue has driven advertisers away. The latest? - Groupon, who has pulled their ads from the Trump website.

Another reason traditional advertisers are passing on Trump is the increase in product placement during the show. Arby’s, for example, pays a hefty fee when Trump issues a challenge relating to a new menu item or ad campaign.

One ad exec says,

“The product placement has become so ‘in your face’ that the entire show is starting to look like Trump is a sellout. The show looks more like a 60 minute infomercial than a prime time realty show. The constant product placement distracts from the usual commercials.”

Sweeps are coming up next month so it benefits Trump to drive as much attention to himself and the show as he can – how convenient there is a political race with his name in it to stir up a little face time.

Lastly, the contracts for both Trump and executive producer Mark Burnett expire after this season so there are questions whether NBC will be interested in another season or not.

An NBC exec says there are no problems at all,

'The Apprentice' is in a very challenging time slot on Monday nights and it's responded with consistently good results, including the most upscale audience for any unscripted show in prime time. ... It remains a key series for our future."

But when advertising execs are asked you get a different story,

"The Apprentice is generally on the decline. The move to Monday from Thursday nights had a negative effect. But that's not the big issue. It's the content of the show. It's matured. People are looking for other ways to be entertained. They don’t want to watch D-list celebrities sell hamburgers, pizza or wedding dresses."

Trumps last tirade came yesterday at his hotel in Las Vegas where he gave a speech riddled with the F-word and other obscenities to a crowd of over 1000.

Unless there is a spectacular race to the finale during sweeps next month, and if Donald can’t keep his mouth shut about Barack Obama and others, then look for this to be the beginning of the end for “The Apprentice”.

At least we can still laugh at his bad hair.

Donald Trump Drops F-Bomb Several Times during Vegas Speech – Video

The grand douche-bag himself, Donald Trump, is once again running his mouth in a public forum.

Trump visited his Trump International Hotel & Tower just off the Las Vegas Strip today to rally supporters for his 2012 presidential campaign.

But this was a different Trump than we have seen the last several weeks.

The difference? He dropped the “F” word, and other choice curse words, every chance he got.

During his half hour speech on foreign affairs, Trump attacked not only Obama, but spewed insults toward other leaders saying,

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people, It's just very, very sad."

There were about 1,000 supporters at the event, and there was free food and an open bar. Everybody was loaded and they had come to see Trump do the thing that he does so well – be a dick.

Watch Donald Trump Use the F word in Las Vegas Speech

You have to ask yourself if this guy really thinks he’s for real. At this point, he is starting to sound more and more like Charlie Sheen every day.

Related: Obama Slams Trump - Calls Antics a ‘Side Show’
Related: Trump Is Picking A fight with Robert De Niro

Related: Donald Trump Bad Hair Day Pictures
Related: Trump Now Picking on Jerry Seinfeld?

Rascal Flatts in Lawsuit Over Tour Money

The band Rascal Flatts is being sued by former managers who feel they have been cheated out of the bands concert money.

The law suit was filed in a Tennessee court and seeks to collect 15 percent commission on the bands tour revenue on dates through 2013.

They also want their share of profits from television appearances and DVDs which they contracted and negotiated.

Turner Nichols & Associates says they managed the group since the beginning of their career and say they were abruptly replaced last February. They claim they are due money because of the work they did to negotiate, finance, schedule, book, and promote, the tour venues through 2013.

The band responded through a rep who said,

"We are disappointed they have chosen to file as we had hoped to address these issues privately, however we hope that this can be resolved amicably."

Sounds like some bad blood somewhere.

Watch Rascal Flatts Sing “I Won’t Let Go” Live

Charlie Sheen Again Lashes Out at Chuck Lorre – A**Hole P*ssy Loser, Nut-less Sociopath...

For a guy looking for his job back, Charlie Sheen sure knows how to charm the boss.

Yesterday, reports surfaced that “Two and a Half Men” executive producer Chuck Lorre, had said there was a 50/50 chance the show would return.

The focus of the news was that Charlie Sheen would play no part in the show if it comes back, and that Lorre and staff have developed a new show plot without Uncle Charlie.

Related: Two and a Half Men has 50/50 Chance Says CBS

But after the news broke, Sheen went on another warlock rampage full of expletives and tiger blood accusations, saying Lorre was a narcissist, a coward, a loser, and a spineless rat.

Sheen, who is already suing Lorre and CBS for $100 million dollars, says an attempt to reboot the series without him will fail miserably. He again lashes out personally toward Lorre saying,

“MY fans may tune in for a minute, but at the end of the day, no one cares about your feeble show without me. Shame on you. Not even a phone call to the man that put you on the map. The man that put 500 million dollars in your pockets.

You created a show BASED ON MY AWESOME LIFE. I busted my ass for 8 years to support your vision. Your dream. in turn, it is my nightmare. You sad silly fool. A-hole pussy loser. Put on the gloves you low rent, nut-less sociopath; I’ll beat your chicken shit soul in a court room into a state of gratitude.”

Wow. I don’t know what’s going through Charlie’s mind, but those words seem to do a better job of describing Sheen than Chuck Lorre. Could Sheen be becoming the very thing he hates the most?

The Warlock continues,

“A state of surrender. Something you left at the door every time you blundered into the pathetic AA loser lounge. Newsflash; they are planning on voting you off the AA island. Even those clowns have no room for you anymore. Wow, I’m sure your children are SO PROUD of you. You can teach’em how to be a stupid bitch. A narcissist. A coward. A loser. A spineless rat. I’m out here with my fans every night. The message is crystal clear; NO CHARLIE SHEEN. NO SHOW.”

Lorre and CBS have not commented publicly on Sheen’s letter, but we’re pretty sure they both expected it and are laughing at it. There is a bitter battle going on here between not only men – but egos.

But why must Sheen also interject Lorre’s participation with AA?

Every public and written tirade from Sheen always seems to digress into personal attacks against Lorre, his time with AA, and his wife and kids.

He is almost starting to sound like Donald Trump.

Our suggestion: Move on without Sheen and try a revamped show with a plot like the one talked about here. Ignore Sheen while giving your attention to Jon Cryer, cast, and crew.

Rene Russo Wasted On the Jay Leno Show – Video

Actress Rene Russo visited with Jay Leno last night, and boy was she wasted.

Russo, who was visiting the show to plug her “Thor” movie, told Jay she had hurt her back and was on “Lots of pain killers and drugs.”

She wasn’t kidding.

Most of the interview Russo swayed back and forth and held her head in her hands. It was clear she was buzzed.

Below is one segment of the interview and then her visit backstage after the show.

‘Two and a Half Men’ has 50/50 Chance of Returning Says CBS - Decision Soon.

CBS Network brass is still contemplating what to do with “Two and a Half Men”.

With television sweeps starting next month (May), and up-fronts looming, CBS has to make a decision on what to do with season 9 of the once golden sitcom – and fast.

Ever since Charlie Sheen was fired from the show there has been speculation it might return for another season – with or without Uncle Charlie Harper.

Since his firing, Sheen has been on the road with his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour and has been telling his audiences that he desperately wants back on the show.

Not so fast says the show’s production staff.

One insider says that there is a 50/50 chance the show will return for another season. And if it does return – there will be changes.

Here is what we know for sure:

- Charlie Sheen is not welcome back on the show.
- Executive producer Chuck Lorre has a plot workaround to either replace Sheen or write him out of the series.
- No official offers have been made to any new actors.
- A decision has to be made before May 18, 2011.
- CBS really does want to try and salvage the show

Chuck Lorre has been telling the media that he has several ideas on how to continue the show – one that increases Jon Cryer’s role, and another puts Ryan Stile’s “Herb Melnick” character in a lead role.

We have also heard a couple unofficial “plot” ideas, sans Charlie Sheen, that all include using the existing actors, sets, writers, and facilities. Seems like a smart idea to us.

Our favorite has Rose downsizing and buying Charlie’s house after he gets thrown in jail in Bangkok. She then allows recently thrown to the curb Herb Melnick to move in with her, Allen, and Jake. Even Berta likes the idea and agrees to stay on.

One insider told reporters,

“The idea would be Rose buys the house and lets Alan, Herb, and Jake live there. We call it ‘Two and a Half Men – and Rose’. There have been lots of variations but it always comes back to the same fundamental movement of actors and their roles. It would be easy – and funny.”

It does sound like a nice clean, and believable, transition that could actually propel the sitcom into a whole new direction – both retaining the old fans and creating new ones.

We say bring us “Two and a Half Men & Rose”

MySpace Up For Sale – News Corp Asking $100 Million – Deal by End of Week?

Every now and then you see something that really hits home and makes you realize that an end of an era is upon us.

And so it is with the once dominating social network MySpace.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that News Corp has put up for sale with an asking price of $100 million.

Expectations are that about a dozen companies will express an interest in buying the now shrinking network.

News Corp paid $585 million back in 2005 when MySpace was dominating the internet by adding over 1 million new users a day. But today, Facebook has all but made MySpace obsolete and irrelevant.

After a big push last year to redesign the site and add a focus on music and entertainment failed to stop users from jumping to Facebook, News Corp decided it was time to sell.

Several venture capital and investment firms have indicated they may be interested in buying the property, and Bebo has also said the may bid on the site.

Regardless of who steps up to the plate, we should know who the new owner is by the end of the week.

But that still leaves one big question.

What will the new owners do differently that the old owners didn’t already try?

Stay tuned.

Steven Tyler Releases New Book - Talks about Idol, and Doing Drugs with Joe Perry in Rolling Stone Cover

Remember back in 2008 when Aerosmith announced they were working on a new album?

Remember when they said the project had been scrapped, and so had the tour, and that the band was breaking up?

Now we are getting a little more insight on what was happening to the band during those years in Tyler’s new book “Does the noise in my head bother you?”

The Aerosmith front man and American Idol judge will be on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine next month and said the book was,

"the unbridled truth, the in-your-face, up-close and prodigious tale of Steven Tyler straight from the horse's lips ... All the unexpurgated, brain-jangling tales of debauchery, sex & drugs, transcendence & chemical dependence you will ever want to hear."

Tyler, 63, also says that he did drugs with guitarist Joe Perry in 2008 after many years of both of them being sober.

“Joe Perry was so impaired by snorting prescription pills, he couldn't even play his instrument. But I was no better - I couldn't sing.”

Tyler says he is sober now and enjoying his time as the newest American Idol judge, and would like to get the guys of Aerosmith back together for another run at making an album.

Tyler last appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone's Magazine in the August 1976 issue.

Watch Steven Tyler Sing Medley of Beatles Songs for Paul McCartney

Justin Bieber Injures Back Wakeboarding in Bali – Remaining Tour Dates In Question.

Seems like Justin Bieber did more than put on a great show in the rain in Bali last week.

While out on a boat with friends and fellow tour member Alfredo Flores, Bieber injured his back wake-boarding.

Bieber took to twitter saying,

“Crazy 24 hours of travel...back is messed up....but we are smiling. We finally made it. AUSTRALIA we are here. Brisbane Leggo!”

After his show he posted,

“back is in ALOT of pain but incredible show tonight. BRISBANE was #BEAST - Australia is about to be a party the next 2 weeks”

Bieber is in Australia finishing the last five shows on his My World Tour.

After Justin saw a back specialist, the doctor insisted that the teen sensation cancel his Brisbane concert. Bieber did not agree and performed anyway. He is next due to perform Thursday, April 28 in Sydney.

A back specialist told us,

“The type of injury from wakeboarding needs rest to heal. If he performs he runs the risk of exacerbating the condition and making it worse. If it gets better he should be alright, but if it gets worse than he may have no choice but to cancel to prevent permanent damage.”

Fortunately, Bieber only has a couple of more shows before he is back in the United States for a little relief from his touring schedule.

After returning to Atlanta, Bieber plans to start work on his third album expected for release in late fall.

Obama Slams Donald Trump - Calls His Antics a ‘Side Show’ – Finally Shows Official Birth Certificate


Somebody has finally done something to shut Donald Trump up.

And that somebody is the President of the United States himself Barack Obama.

Today, President Obama released his full, long form, birth certificate and made a statement to the White House Press Corp slamming Donald Trump for wasting the countries time.

The president said he did not want to have to stoop to this level but that various “people” had turned the issue into a “side show.” While not naming names, it was clear that Obama was referring to Donald Trump.

You can view the official certificate by clicking the image to the right.

Trump has made a huge issue of Obama’s birth certificate this last month, and has also lashed out at comedian Jerry Seinfeld and Robert De Niro for no apparent reason.

When Trump was asked if this now satisfied his needs he said,

“I am very proud to be the one to bring this issue to the forefront. But I’ll have to look at it. I want to make sure it’s real. He should have done this a long time ago. I am really honored to have played such a large role in this. I am very proud and honored”

What a dick.

But just as Trump seems uncomfortably satisfied about the birth certificate issue, he has no intentions of going away quietly and has now launched a tirade on Obama about his grades.

That’s right – his college transcripts. Trump says Obama was a poor student and has not released his college transcripts because he doesn’t want people to know saying,

"I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard? I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records. I was a good student and I’m very proud of that."

Man, this guy just won’t go away. And he sure does seem to be very proud and honored that he is The Donald Trump. At least we can still laugh at his bad hair day pictures.

Donald, please remember – “Pride comes before the fall and a haughty spirit before the destruction.”

You are falling – please don’t destroy yourself.

Meat Loaf Sings about Bagel Bites on the Jimmy Fallon Show – Video

Legendary singer songwriter Meat Loaf visited with Jimmy Fallon last night and gave us an example of why he is such a legend.

Mr. Loaf took to the stage in a dramatic singing of an ode to bagel bites and pizza.

Fallon soon joined Meat on stage and the two rocked the house.

It was almost as funny as when Fallon did Bob Dylan singing the theme to “Charles in Charge”.

Meat Loaf was there to talk with Jimmy about his time on Celebrity Apprentice and learning how to deal with crazy man Gary Busey and nut job Donald Trump.

Watch Meat Loaf Sing on the Jimmy Fallon Show

Lindsay Lohan Does the Tonight Show with Jay Leno - Video

Lindsay Lohan appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno Tuesday night.

It’s her first appearance on TV since she was sentenced to 120 days in jail for violating her probation.

Jay Leno seemed to be an overall supporter of the troubled actress, at times sounding more like her father than a talk show host and comedian.

They talked about her upcoming role in the new Gotti movie where she will play the wife of Gotti Jr. The movie will also star John Travolta and Joe Pesci.

When talk of her recent troubles came up she said she realizes she has made a lot of poor decisions and knows she has to work to gain back the trust she has lost with the industry.

They also talked about Lindsay’s time in jail – and the most recent sentence of 4 months plus community service at the county morgue and a battered women’s facility.

Related: Lindsay Lohan Sentences to 4 months in jail

One little “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” moment happened when it was revealed that Lohan’s lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, is the wife of the lead singer in Jay’s Tonight Show band.

The audience erupted into applause when Leno asked if she thought her fans still supported her, and she got a standing ovation when she left the stage.

Watch Lindsay Lohan on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Aflac Hires Actor Daniel McKeague For New Duck Voice – Video

Looks like Gilbert Gottfried really is out of a job.

After two months of speculation that Aflac Insurance may rehire Gottfried, they have announced the new voice of the Aflac Duck.

Ladies and gentlemen, please meet Daniel McKeague.

McKeague was one of over 12,000 actors who tried out for the iconic voice of the Aflac Duck.
The actor is a 36-year-old radio sales manager from Hugo, Minnesota.

“I have long admired people who can act and make the most of their voice and have tried to emulate them, and I want to thank Aflac for the incredible honor of voicing the greatest icon in corporate America and representing a company that not only leads its industry but also leaves a positive social imprint in every community it serves.”

McKeague was hired after Gottfried made insensitive comments about the disaster in Japan last month and was fired by the insurance company.

Donald Trump Is Such a Dick - Now He’s Picking A fight with Robert De Niro

We knew Donald Trump was one of the most conceited people in the world, but now he is starting to look just stupid.

After picking a fight with Jerry Seinfeld last week and saying some of the most hurtful things to one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, Trump has now gone after movie legend Robert De Niro.

Related: Donald Trump Now Picking on Jerry Seinfeld? – You’re Fired!

Trump is lashing out at De Niro after the actor made the following comment at the Tribeca Film Festival,

"I won't mention names, but there are certain people on the news in the last couple of weeks and what they're doing is crazy. They're making statements about people that they don't even back up. Go get the facts before you start saying things about people."

Trump then lashed out at De Niro like he was some kind of playground bully saying,

"Well, De Niro’s not the brightest bulb on the planet. I’ve been watching him over the years and I like his acting, but you know in terms of when I watch him doing interviews and various other things, we’re not dealing with Albert Einstein."

Wow. Donald, take it down a notch. You can just hear the dickishness in his voice.

Donald, you have lashed out at anyone that question’s your ability to act like a mature candidate. And in turn, you have acted like a bully and a dick.

You might be able to push around Jerry Seinfeld, but messing with Robert De Niro might not be a good idea - if you know what I mean.

Please just go back to your “Celebrity Apprentice” show and stay out of politics. We have enough problems as it is.

At least we can still laugh at him because his bad hair looks like this

Related: Donald Trump Bad Hair Day Pictures

Katie Couric Officially Steps Down From the CBS Evening News

After five years of hosting the Evening News on CBS, Katie Couric has made it official by announcing that she is stepping down from her anchor chair.

Couric never really found a grove with viewers and ratings for her show declined each year.

The network has not announced her last show but is moving to hire Scott Pelley of "60 Minutes" as her successor as early as next week.

Couric’s contract expires June 4 and she says she would like to create and host her own talk show by next year.

Couric's news broadcast was seen nightly by about 6.3 million viewers, the Nielsen Co. said. That's only two-thirds of the usual viewership of 9.8 million for Brian Williams and NBC's "Nightly News." ABC's "World News" with Diane Sawyer gets about 8.7 million viewers.

Couric has released the following statement,

“I’m really proud of the talented team on the CBS Evening News and the award-winning work we’ve been able to do in the past five years in addition to the reporting I’ve done for 60 Minutes and CBS Sunday Morning.

In making the decision to move on, I know the Evening News will be in great hands, but I am excited about the future.”

Free Hugs in Sondrio Italy? – Video

Some days, especially the one after Easter, watching a video like this…. just makes you feel good.

It shows what happens when a group of students from Italy converge on a small town offering a simple gift - free hugs.

The reactions from some of the people are priceless, and can teach us all something about who we are.

Does Stefano Langone Have a Record Deal Yet? Pia Toscano Got One… Is He Gay? Can He Play Piano?

Lots of fans are talking about Stefano Langone these days.

And they are all asking the same questions:

Does he have a record deal yet? Does he really play piano and guitar? Did he hold back on American Idol? Did he really admit to being gay?

Ever since Stefano told reporters he was intentionally holding back during his American Idol performances, viewers have been wondering when he will be signed to a record contract.

Langone, 21, shocked the world when he told reporters that he is using his Idol experience as “star school”, and was planning to release his “swag” on the general public with his first album after the summer tour.

Most critics are saying it is just a matter of DAYS before he announces a record deal. Remember what happened to Pia Toscano?

Within 24 hours of Pia being eliminated she had a record deal with Interscope Records and is already working on her first single.

Related: Pia Toscano signs record deal with Interscope Records

Stefano has been dealing with the media as if he is already the next big sensation telling reporters,

“I held back on purpose. Idol is not my style. I didn’t want viewers to see me play the guitar or piano because I am waiting to show them my passion and skills on my first album”

Langone says he knew he would never be the Idol winner so instead he has used the exposure to network and prepare to launch his own career.

He says that during the American Idol Summer Tour he plans to show audiences how good he really is.

There is also speculation that Langone will appear on the Jay Leno show this week and will be asked about not only a record deal, but also about getting arrested for DUI in 2010, and rumors that he is gay.

Another Idol, Jacob Lusk, has also admitted to being arrested but feels it won’t jeopardize his chances at winning. Jacob has admitted to being gay.

Related: American Idol Jacob Lusk Arrested in L.A.

Stefano says he has a “man crush” on fellow contestant James Durbin, and has even agreed to be his best man at his wedding, but also says he is single and hanging out with the ladies – taking it all in saying, “I’m not gay”.

Who do you think is going home this week?

Charlie Sheen Dumped by Goddess Bree Olson – By Text Message!

More bad news for Charlie Sheen.

It looks like he is down to ONE goddess for the remainder of his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour.

Last night at the BankAtlantic Center in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, Charlie took the stage with only ONE Goddess!

When an audience member asked him how things were going he told them, “Not well, because one left.”

He later told fans that porn star Bree Olson had left and that she had broken up with him via a text message.

Olson, 23, and Natalie Kenly, 24, had been making appearances together on stage during Sheen's live shows, often making out and kissing on stage.

Olson also had to miss several shows as she dealt with a DUI charge in Indiana, and is the dubious winner of “Best Anal Sex Scene” bestowed upon her at the Adult Video Awards in 2008.

Bree was also present with Charlie during his great four day binge last year that sent Sheen to the Hospital after Olson told reporters a briefcase full of cocaine had been delivered to the party house.

Sheen was also joined on stage by fellow D-lister and drug addict Dennis Rodman. No word if he showed up wearing a dress.

It also looks like Sheen’s ticket sales have not been going too well as he has resorted to taking to his Twitter account and giving away tons of tickets for free.

Fans said that about one third of the seats at his Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale shows went unfilled.

Sheen’s next live show is Tuesday at the Verizon Wireless Theater in Houston Texas. My guess is that Texas isn’t going to like Charlie any better than Florida did.

We’ve heard about those people in Texas.

Bad Day for Harry Potter Cast Mates Rupert Grint and Emma Watson – Is That a Bong?

It’s been an exciting week for Harry Potter cast mates Rupert Grint and Emma Watson.

But with some amazing wizardry by the expert public relations of the dark arts staff – even the ugliest of things can again be made beautiful.

Yesterday, an internet photo appeared that supposedly shows Harry Potter’s Ron Weasley hitting a bong.

We suspected it was a fake – but a good fake.

It is indeed a fake. Grint’s publicist responded by saying,

"This is categorically NOT Rupert Grint - It is an impersonator, a lookalike."

Grint’s people are also upset with Perez Hilton for first showing the picture and suggesting it was Rupert.

And fellow Potter cast mate Emma Watson also had her share of bad press when reports surfaced that she had been taunted and bullied into leaving Brown University.

Rumors swirled of fellow students saying things like “Three points for Gryffindor” when she answered a question, or crying out “Oh Harry!” when she walked into a room.

Reports were that Watson had started to fear for her personal safety and decided to change colleges.

Not True. Apparently the change of venue had been planned for quite some time and her rep says,

"Emma has enjoyed her time at Brown tremendously and made many friends there who she keeps in constant contact with. She has now decided to change universities, but not for the bullying, as that is just completely untrue.

She has just decided to continue with a different course. But, for reasons of security I am not prepared to divulge which university she will be attending."

Okay, so everything is settled and peace has once again been restored to the Muggle world. We can move on.

But did you hear about Daniel Radcliffe getting naked with a horse in some Broadway show?

Justin Bieber Covers Edwin McCain’s ‘I’ll Be’ At Jakarta Concert and Cries – Video

Justin Bieber might be starting to grow up.

At least that’s what fans in Jakarta Indonesia thought Saturday night while watching his My World Concert Tour.

Because the stage is set up differently on the Asian leg of the tour, The Biebs was not able to float over the audience during his acoustic set in his metal, heart-shaped space ship.

Instead, Bieber and lead guitarist Dan Kanter sat on the stage under a single spotlight and belted out a few of their favorite acoustic tunes.

One in particular, Edwin McCain’s “I’ll be your crying shoulder”, has not been heard by the teen sensation since he was twelve years old belting it out on YouTube.

In fact, this was Bieber’s first chance to show his fans what it sounds like now that his voice has dropped. And by the response of the fans – they loved it. And by the time it was over - Justin was crying.

It also took guitarist Dan Kanter totally by surprise as he tweeted after the show,

“Tonight ON STAGE during the acoustic set JB called out "I'll Be" by @TheEdwinMcCain. Good thing I knew how to play it from @jonahkanter”

From Indonesia, Bieber travels down under to Australia for five shows in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne.

Watch Justin Bieber Sing Acoustic “I’ll Be” in Jakarta with Dan Kanter

Video - Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ and Madonna’s ‘Express Yourself’ Comparison – Plagiarism?

Lady Gaga is once again coming under pressure for copying Madonna.

This time the criticism comes in the form of a visual mashup between Gaga’s “Born this way” and Madonna’s “Express Yourself” music videos.

I have to say, the first time I heard “Born this way” it made me think of “Express Yourself” so I was not surprised to hear all the news and speculation of theft and plagiarism.

But it wasn’t until we saw this YouTube video putting the two songs side by side that it really started to sink in.

Related: Lady Gaga Has a Meltdown Over Madonna Plagiarism Claims – In Tears…

I would like to believe Gaga when she says this is all just a big coincidence, but the two songs are almost identical – even down to the dance moves, costumes and body language.

I can’t believe that someone in the Gaga camp did not pull her aside and say, “Look – it’s a little too close for comfort.”

The criticism has moved Gaga to tears and she denies she tried to copy Madonna – but the video tells a different story.

But all is fair in love and music I guess, because as Gaga was taking heat for copying Madonna, Weird Al Yankovic was taking money for copying Lady Gaga in his latest parody.

Related: Weird Al Yankovic Covers Lady Gaga With ‘Perform This Way’ Parody - Video

Regardless of who is right and who is the hypocrite, we suspect that once this video starts making the rounds the outcry will only grow louder.

And what do you do to top a dress made out of meat and arriving at a red carpet in an egg? How far can she go before her fans find her too eccentric?

You be the judge.

Watch Lady Gaga vs. Madonna Video Mashup

Well? Comments?

Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 4 Months in Jail for Parole Violation

Lindsay Lohan was just sentenced to 120 days in jail for parole violation.

Lohan was in court today to answer to charges she stole a $2,500 necklace from a jewelry store.

Lindsay is already on probation – and has been for several years.

Judge Stephanie Sautner said a trail for her charge of felony theft can move forward and that Lohan had violated her parole.

The judge ordered her to immediately begin serving a 4 month jail sentence for the parole violation, and required her to do 12 weeks of community service at a women’s shelter and the morgue.

She was led out of the court room in handcuffs, then downstairs to be processed, and finally to her jail cell.

Lohan’s lawyer Shawn Holley said a bail bondsman was standing by to supply the $75,000 bail money, and that she would immediately file an appeal.

And another saga of Lindsay going to jail begins….

Queue the tabloids and cover your ears.

What happens if you put Peeps in the microwave?

Since Easter is near we wanted to revisit one of our favorite “Peeps in a microwave” videos.

The video is produced by and could very well be a vision into our future.

Obviously, you would not want to try this at home.

Will Ferrell is turning into Charlie Sheen - Video

Will Ferrell interrupted Conan O’Brien’s show again last night with more threats of cutting off O’Brien’s beard.

Ferrell dug deep into his comedy grab bag to channel a character that sounded a lot like, well, Charlie Sheen.

If Ferrell refined the character just a bit he would be a shoe in to play Sheen in the upcoming “Where are they now?” documentary.

O’Brien and Ferrell have been embraced in a major feud leading up to Will’s appearance on the show May 2nd.

Watch Will Ferrell Threaten Conan O’Brien With cutting off his beard

Charlie Sheen Police Escort in Washington D.C. Under Investigation

Tuesday was a busy day for Charlie Sheen.

He started in L.A. in a court room fighting for custody of his children, and by nightfall he was racing to Washington D.C. on a private jet to do a show.

Sheen landed in D.C. almost an hour late and somehow was able to convince the D.C. police to give him a full escort to DAR Constitution Hall.

Sheen tweeted a picture of the speedometer at 80 MPH and lights flashing and said,

"In car with Police escort in front and rear! Driving like someone's about to deliver a baby! Cop car lights."

Now an internal investigation is underway by the Washington D.C. Police Department and they want to know how this all happened saying,

“Citizens of the District don’t want to see their police force used to escort private citizens and that Charlie Sheen, of all people, is getting a personal escort. This entire matter is under investigation.”

Please keep it simple guys. Just send Sheen a bill and I’m sure he’ll pay it.

Problem solved.

Donald Trump Now Picking on Jerry Seinfeld? – Don’t Be a Bully. You’re Fired!

Donald Trump seems to be lashing out at everybody these days.

Now he has gone after one of the nicest guys in Hollywood – Jerry Seinfeld.

And it’s all over Jerry canceling a St. Jude Children's Research Hospital fundraiser for his friend “The Donald.”

Seinfeld said he cancelled because he was tired of hearing Trump rant about taking all the oil in Iraq and Libya, and thinks his rants about Obama’s birth certificate are out of place.

Seinfeld is also amused that Trump thinks he would make a better Presidential candidate than Mitt Romney because he has more money and is more famous.

Donald then responded in what can only be called an uncomfortable and
abusive way,

"I just learned you canceled a show for my son's charity because of the fact that I am being very aggressive with respect to President Obama, who is doing an absolutely terrible job as our leader.”

“We don't care that you broke your commitment. What I do feel badly about is that I agreed to do, and did, your failed show, 'The Marriage Ref,' even though I thought it was absolutely terrible. . . . Despite its poor ratings, I didn't cancel on you like you canceled on my son and St. Jude. I only wish I did.”

"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Can’t you just hear is creepy voice when you read those words?

If this is the way he treats his friends then I wouldn’t want to cross him.

Donald – you’re fired. Don’t be a bully AND an idiot.

And stop running for president – you’re just getting in the way. Those guys will squash you like a bug.

But your bad hair days are what keep us laughing at you!

Related: Donald Trump Bad Hair Day Pictures

Stephen Colbert Admits He Pooped in the Ocean.

Any fan of the Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert knows he likes to try new things.

He has his own flavor of ice cream, he has carried the Olympic torch, he has run for President, he has his own Political Action Committee, and he has a NASA treadmill named after him on the International Space Station.

What has Stephen set his sights on now?

The comedian announced today at the New York Auto Show that he will once again be competing in the biennial 750 Mile Charleston Bermuda Race, this time with the newly formed Team Audi.

Colbert participated in the same race in 2005 and had some problems. He told Outside Magazine,

"I came in dead last last time; I finished four days behind the lead boat. We lost a sail; we didn't have any diesel power so we couldn't charge any of our batteries. Both of our toilets became nonfunctional. That was on day two."

After a brief, uncomfortable moment, Colbert admitted that he had pooped in the ocean. “I sh#t in the sea.”

This year, his boat will have a twelve man crew and a huge picture of Colbert on its sail. It takes off from Charleston Harbor May 21 and plans to arrive four days later in Bermuda.

When asked if he planned to win he said,

"Yes, we hope to do that. Win. I will get a cup and eternal glory. I will make everyone laugh, that's the way to keep from getting scared."

Happy sailing Captain.

Watch Stephen Colbert talk with David Letterman about his last race

Lady Gaga Has a Meltdown Over Madonna Plagiarism Claims – In Tears…

NME magazine sure knows how to put Lady Gaga on the spot.

In fact, they know how to bring her to tears.

It all went down during an interview with NME Magazine when Gaga was asked about the similarities between her song “Born This Way” and Madonna’s song “Express Yourself”

First, I have to say the first thing I thought after hearing “Born This Way” was that it sounded like Madonna.

The press hears it, her fans hear it, the blogosphere hears it, I hear it, and even Madonna has heard it. But Lady Gaga? Not so much.

Gaga responded by saying,

“I don’t think… I swear to you. I am not stupid enough to put out a record and be that moronic.”

Well, it’s not like they were accusing her of plagiarism – even though that seems to be the way she took it. As if she had heard the criticism before.

But it was too late. Gaga lashed out at the interviewer saying,

“No. Listen to me. Why the f##k…? I’m a songwriter. I’ve written loads of music. Why would I try to put out a song and think I’m getting one over on everybody?

That’s retarded. What a completely ridiculous thing to even question me about. I will look you in your eyes and tell you that I am not dumb enough or moronic enough to think that you are dumb enough or moronic enough not to see that I would have stolen a melody.”

Of course after using the word “retarded” everybody had to pile on.

The mental health charity Mencap criticized the singer over her use of the “R” word and started a big stink about how irresponsible it was. Gaga has since apologized saying it was "furiously unintentional".

Gaga continued to attack the magazine with,

“If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression. It’s the same one that’s been in disco music for the last 50 years. Just because I’m the first f##king artist in 25 years to think of putting it on Top 40 radio, it doesn’t mean I’m a plagiarist, it means that I’m f##king smart. Sorry.”

When the topic turned to her new single “Judas” she started to break down and cry when considering what her fans think of the new song.

This entire mess has been clearly uncomfortable for Lady Gaga, but on a bright note – Weird Al Yankovic released his parody of “Born This Way” today.

Related: Weird Al Yankovic Covers Lady Gaga with “Perform This Way” Parody

You know what they say – imitation is the best form of flattery. Right? That’s been Gaga’s strategy all along – right?

What irony.

Let it go and let’s move on folks.

Watch Lady Gaga's Extended “Born This Way” Music Video

Weird Al Yankovic Covers Lady Gaga With ‘Perform This Way’ Parody - Video

We all know Weird Al Yankovic.

You either love him or hate him.

Weird Al has proven you can be successful by covering some of the most influential songs of our times – in parody.

But now he has truly shown us just how weird, and boring he really is.

After a public dispute where Al accused Gaga’s camp of denying permission to parody her tune “Born this Way”, he has taken his talents to YouTube with a parody titled “Perform this way”.

We now understand that Al has received permission and the whole thing was a misunderstanding - or marketing ploy?

Anyway, we’ve heard a lot of Weird Al stuff in the past and have to say – Al, you phoned this one in.

Yea, it’s a parody of Lady Gaga “Born this Way” – but Yankovic is unable to bring any of the Gaga emotion and it just sounds flat. Not anything new, or close to the days of his Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” spoof.

Al plans the use the Gaga single on his new album due in June.

Watch/Listen to Weird Al Cover Lady Gaga “Born This Way”

Really? Do we really need another Weird Al Yankovic album? There is only so much Al that I can take.

Funny Or Die on the other hand knows how to produce parody. The video below is a movie trailer for the "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story"

Now that’s how you do good parody.

Will Ferrell and Conan O’Brien Ratchet Up Beard Feud Before May 2 Show – Video

A feud has erupted in Hollywood.

A feud between two of the world’s greatest comedians that is sure to end in tragic embarrassment for the looser.

Will Ferrell has made it very clear that he does not like Conan’s facial hair.

And Ferrell is taking steps to make sure that those “Rusty Pubes” are gone by the time he appears on the show May 2nd.

Ferrell hates Obrien’s beard so much that he has started stalking Obrien to let him know that time is running out.

Ferrell has already submitted the following fan correction challenge video:

If that wasn’t enough to “scare the hair” off O’Brien, Tina Fey helped make matters worse when she appeared to talk about her new book “Bossy Pants”.

Ferrell hijacked the airwaves once again with the following threatening video to Team Coco:

Conan – you should start the process of getting a restraining order as soon as possible. Your beard should be trembling with fear.

What part of “You will feel the sting of my blade that sleeps for no one” don’t you understand?

Your move Conan O’Brien.

Happy Days Cast Sues Over Merchandise Royalties and Slot Machines

You would have thought that CBS had its hands full dealing with Charlie Sheen's $100 Million lawsuit.

But now the network is embroiled in another lawsuit brought by four cast members of the 70’s sitcom “Happy Days” over merchandising revenue and slot machines.

The cast members, led by Anson Williams who played Potsie, said,

“The show represented to the public what the best of America has to offer... the friendships, the opportunities, and the warmth. Unfortunately, now 'Happy Days' also represents the worst of America -- of what major companies are trying to get from it, trying to use it for, and forgetting the family it created."

Joining Anson Williams is the estate of Tom Bosley, Donny Most, who played Ralph Malph, and Marion Ross.

The group says their images have been used by comic books, clothing makers, scrapbooks, trading cards, games, lunch boxes, dolls, toy cars, magnets, greeting cards and DVD covers.

And they say they have not seen a dime.

Marian Ross told CNN that she started to wonder if they were entitled to any of the merchandising money when a friend of hers told her about a "Happy Days" slot machine she played in Las Vegas.

The four cast members joined together and approached CBS and said they were at first shut down and told there was no money to distribute.

But after the cast appeared on CNN, CBS had a different response:

"We agree that funds are owed to the actors and have been working with them for quite some time to resolve the issue."

Marian Ross, who played the mother, lost her house three years ago in a foreclosures and Erin Moran, who played Joanie, is reported to be going through a difficult financial situation as we speak.

Step up CBS – do the right thing.

Funny. I remember in grade school I had a Fonzie lunchbox. I wonder how many pennies each cast member got from my big purchase.

Top Five Stoner Movies to Celebrate April 20 Cannabis Day – And What Is All This Stuff About 420?

By now you have probably seen all the references to 420 and may be wondering what the deal is.

The term was created by a group of teenage pot smokers in San Rafael, California in 1971. They called themselves the “Waldos”, because their favorite place to hang-out was a wall outside the school.

The group first used the term in connection with a plan to search for an abandoned marijuana crop they had heard about. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time.

The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis”

While the teens never found their pot of gold, the phrase eventually evolved into just “420”, a code word used to mean pot-smoking or being part of the pot culture in general.

So to celebrate this cannabis day on April 20, 2011, we have compiled a list of the five best stoner movies ever made.

5 - Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
4 - Cheech and Chong “Up in Smoke”
3 - Richard Linklater's “Dazed and Confused”
2 - Reefer Madness
1 – Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Watch Sean Penn Get High In Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Watch Reefer Madness Trailer

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